Chapter 19

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I woke up to someone sitting on my bed I looked harder in the darkness and saw it was Fang

"What are you doing here?" I asked "just making sure your OK" he said "thanks" I said and I tried to get up and pushed smile off my legs a bit

Then I stood up he did as well "I should be leaving" he said I nodded and he jumped out the window and flew away

I walked downstairs and slendy approached me "josie come downstairs in a minute we are going to have an announcement" slendy said

I nodded my head and walked downstairs and sat on the sofa and waited for slendy I saw all everyone walk downstairs

"Alright children you guys are going to go to school" slendy said "hell no" Jeff said "yes you don't have a choice josie is going as well" slendy said

"Why are we doing this?" Ben asked "I need you out of the house a little more" slendy said we all sighed and we went to bed

When I woke up I walked into my bathroom and got dressed brushed my hair and teeth and put on some sweat pants and a black tank top and I brought a hoodie just in case

I herd slendy tell everyone to get up everyone woke up and grumbled and got ready I then walked down stairs and ate a piece of toast

About half on hour later everyone was up and downstairs and ready to go "alright children human forms and off to school" slendy said

"We know" Jeff said and we all left when we were walking jack and Jeff walked over to me "how you doing?" Jack asked

"What is school?" I asked "it is a place were you learn new things" jack said I nodded and we continued to walk to the school

A few minutes later and we made it and we were approached by a fat women "aw you must be the new students I'm ms. Cap" the fat women said

"I'm Jeffery" Jeff said "and I'm jack" jack said "and I'm josie" I said jack was clenching my hand and starring at some guy

After we all introduced ourselves the women gave us our classes we were all in the same class our first class was history

We walked into the classroom and the teach told us to take a seat "there are not enough seats so you guys will have to share" the teacher said

Jeff sat at a desk Jane sat on his lap jack sat at a desk and I sat on his lap and  masky and hoodie shared and Ben and ticci clockwork E.J sat at one as well and when we were all situated he started the lesson

After that class we proceeded with the others and after we were on the last class a guy approached my mom I don't know what he said but it pissed dad off

So then the boy walks over to me "hey do you want to have my baby's?" He asked and jack gently lifted me up and walked up to the kid "walk away" jack warned

But the boy stayed then jack punched him across the face the guy was unconscious with one blow and jack sat back down and I sat on his lap

Everyone looked at jack the entire rest of the class Jeff had a huge grin on his face real grin not the cut in grin that is temporarily gone

After school we walked back home and did what we normally do.

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