Chapter 22

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I woke up with an arm around me I turned and saw Fang laying next to me he was awake because I sensed him inhale

"Good morning" I said "morning" Fang said and I got up I rememberd last night I took off my hoodie and was wearing my black tank top

I turned and face Fang who was shirtless he had abs and was muscular I blushed my pale skin was bright pink he had his wings untucked

He walked over to me and hugged me "children it is time for us to get back on the road to get to our vacation spot" slendy said

I sighed and we got changed and walked out to slendy everyone walked out of the hotel and went to the van I saw jack with that bitch she had her arm around him

Everyone filled the van and me and Fang got in I stared out the window and leaned against Fang and I fell asleep
After a few hours I fell asleep I was awoken by someone waking me it was Fang "lets go we are here" Fang said I slowly got out of the car

And I saw we were at a beach I got my bag out and I brought it to a cabin like house and there was multiple rooms enough to fit us all I brought it to mine and Fang's room and I walked out to the beach

I had a towel and I brought it with me I set it on the ground and sat on it after a few hours everyone was outside swimming or just talking to each other

Fang flew by me and landed near me and sat on the towel with me "so how you feeling?" Fang asked "Im fine" I said

"I know something is bothering you" Fang said "its just I thought he would love me forever but no looks like I was wrong" I said "give me a chance to be with you I'm different" Fang said

"I guess it wouldn't hurt" I said he smiled and leaned in and kissed me I was shocked and didn't move "thanks I won't make you disappointed" he said

I smiled and I herd a noise and saw a figure I got up and went on alert I summons my staff "I see your enjoyin the weapon myslef and zeuse have created for you" the man said

"Are you Hades?" I asked "indeed" he said "it's a pleasure to meet you sir" I said "so respectful" he said and he walked over to me "but the pleasure is all mine" he siad

He took my hand and kissed the top of it I smiled "I'll see you soon my dear" he said "alright" i said and he vanished

I turned and looked at Fang "I knew you were special" Fang said chuckling I laughed a bit and layed on Fang a bit and stared at the water.

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