Chapter 14

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I left jack and scar in the forest and I walked back home when I got there smile ran up to me I stroked his fur and and I smiled and walked over to the sofa

When i sat down Ben eyed the staff "where did you get that?" Ben asked "I got it from Zeus and Hades they made it with both of there gifts

He nodded and continued to play video games I sat there for what seemed like forever and I herd the door open I looked and saw jack

I-i ignored him when he looked at and I continued to watch Ben and when I got up I herd a noise coming from mom's room(Janes room)

I walked up and I saw L.J next to mom with his claws out "hello josie" he said "please stop" I begged "I like it when you beg" he said

"I'll tell you what I'll stop and you follow me to meet your grandfather or you can refuse I take you by force and kill your mother and father" he said maniacally

"OK just stop" I said "don't do it josie" Jane demanded "I haven't known my family for 14 years and now I finally do and I'm not going to let you die" I said

L.J put his claws away and walked over to me I had my wings tucked in and my staff has vanished until I summon it

He held out his hand and I shakily took it and we teleported to a cave like place that had a glowing light in it we walked over to it and was sent to some sort of castle

I tried to keep calm but couldn't stop shaking "don't be nervous dear I won't hurt you" L.J said I still kept shaking and he brought me t a large door

He knocked a few times and waited "come in" I herd someone say from the other side and jack opend the large door

And we walked inside "my lord I have her" L.J said and the large figure standing at his desk with his back turned to us turned to face us

"Well done L.J" he said "hello love I'm lord zalgo but you can call me zalgo" he said and my eyes went wide "don't be scared we are family I would never harm one of my own" he said

"You probably already know that Jane is my daughter and I'm your grandfather" he said I nodded my head and I saw more people enter

"Alright honey meet the others" zalgo said "this is shadow,dark link,the rake, sonic x, L.J and I believe you and scar have already meet?" Zalgo asked

I turned and saw scar smiling at me and I felt an anger build up inside me that I wanted blood I needed it and I was going to get it

I untucked my wings and flew at scar and punched him full force and he flew back into the wall then I landed and i picked him up by the throat

"My eyes turned red and white my hair turned red and my lips got really red and scar started laughing "honey we need him alive can you please put him down?" Zalgo asked nicely

I threw him at the wall and he started coughing and I walked over to zalgo "but I need blood" I complained

"And you will get it love" zalgo said and ordered everyone out of the room "L.J take josie to her room "zalgo ordered and L.J grabbed my hand and brought me to my room by the time we made it there

My hair was jet black again my eyes were black again and my lips were back to normal

And when we got to my room I walked in it had a flat screen t.V a large dresser and walk in closet and a king sized bed and a bathroom and kitchen "its beautiful" I said to my self

"Let me know if there is anything you need me to assist you with" L.J said "thank you" I said and he walked out I sat on the bed and herd a female voice

"Josie you can't stay here it may seem nice but zalgo is evil he will use you for your powers and if he finds out about the staff he will make you summon it and make you use it against your family and friends" the voice said and disappeared

And I laid  down and went to sleep.

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