1 - The Journey

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Chapter 1 - The Journey

A searing pain shot through my body. I shot up in my bed sweating and breathing heavily. Another wave of pain shot through my body. A cracking of bones could be heard, and the pain stopped. I looked down. White fur covered my body. I had shifted, and I am a Lupo Bianco! Oh my goddess I can't believe this.

I shifted back into my human form, and redressed myself. I got back under the covers, and fell back asleep. Nobody can know about this.


I slammed my locker door shut, and started to walk to the front doors of the school.

Well, I was going to.

My books were shoved out of my arms, onto the floor. I started to pick them up while trying to reel in my anger. I stood straight again only to have my books shoved to the floor again. I picked them up, and started walking towards the doors.

There were heavy footsteps behind me, and the clacking of my ex-best friend's heels on the floor.

"Come back here weakling" a deep voice echoed. I knew who it was without even looking.

The future beta, Gavin, he is basically the king of the school since the future Alpha was sent off to a boarding school to get special alpha training. However we all know that his parents sent him there to mature up, as he is a huge player. So now Gavin has taken his reign temporarily until he returns.

"Look at me loser!" Gavin shouted at me.

I shifted my eyes upwards towards his face while letting some of my hair cover my face. He smirked and looked at me before saying "I Gavin Armstrong reject you Keegan Black as my mate"

Wait what? I'm not even his mate. Everyone started to laugh, and I ran out of the school keeping my head down.

When I entered the pack house 45 minutes later people were staring. I ran to my 'room' which is just a really small shed in the backyard.

There is a mattress lying on the dirt with a little bookshelf for all of my clothes and other belongings. I locked the door of my shed, and lay down on the mattress turning on the flashlight hanging on the wall. I guess I don't have I too bad, I only get bullied by the kids at school. I eat well when I want to, and I am not a slave.

After dark, around 3 o'clock in the morning I made my way into the kitchen. I always eat late at night, early in the morning, and sometimes at school. I try to avoid people as much as I can. I grabbed some left over chicken with potatoes, and three extra packages of pop tarts.

When I got out to my shed, I pulled the mattress towards the door revealing a hole with money, clothes, and food in it. I placed two of the pop tart packages in the hole and pushed the mattress back into place. All of the stuff was for when I was going to run away and find more of my kind.

I am currently in hiding, because the vampires kill any Lupi Bianchi (white wolves) they find.

I looked into the mirror hanging on the wall. I had long dirty blond hair that had a natural ombre look to it. I had dull, sad grey eyes, a small nose, high cheekbones, and small pink lips.

I was quite fit from running to school everyday, but I always wore clothes that didn't show off my body. Mostly I just wore jeans, and hoodies that were stained and dirty. I carefully laid down on the mattress so that it wouldn't sink into the hole.

Sighing, I fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up the next morning, and glanced down at my watch 11:27. Wait WHAT! 11:27, I have to get to school! I slipped into some clothes, grabbed my backpack and went into the house.

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