3 - Oh My Goddess

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Chapter 3 - Oh My Goddess

A strong smell hit me like a wall as I looked around trying to find its source. A growl ripped through the kitchen and I dove under the table for protection. I whimpered loudly and shook as I curled up in a ball.

The growling ceased immediately and loud whimpers were heard, but they weren't mine. I uncurled myself, and the scent was a lot stronger. I peeked out from under the table to see that there was a guy with white hair and deep blue eyes staring at me.

I crawled out from under the table and slowly stood. The boy's eyes snapped to me and analysed every move I made.

"I didn't mean to scare you" He whispered gently.

I just nodded and looked around the kitchen. Waves of fear, guilt, hurt, and happiness were all rolling off off this guy at the same time.

"Why are you scared?" I asked him quietly looking down at my bare feet.

"I'm scared that I am going to scare you away" He said slowly standing up.

He was at least 6'4 maybe 6'5. He reached out and pushed a strand of hair away from my eyes. I went rigid and his touch sent shocks soaring across my skin at the contact. I looked into his deep blue eyes as he looked into mine.

"But I already had a mate" I whispered tilting my head to the side the slightest bit.

"You were rejected?" He asked softly with his hand on my cheek.

"Yeah, I was, he was a stupid jerk anyways" I replied.

"He was stupid alright to give up a girl as pretty as you" he commented.

My cheeks and neck flared up red and he chuckled. I blushed even more and hide my face behind my hair. His chuckles stopped immediately and he pushed my curtain of hair back behind my ear.

"You never have to hide from me, okay?" he reassured gently.

I nodded my head slightly and looked down at my feet.

"I never got your name" He broke the silence that had sette between us.

"Keegan, Keegan Black, I never got your name either" I mumbled meeting his eyes with mine.

"That would be because I never told you" He laughed" But my name is Quentin Smith but everyone calls me Q"

"That is a cool name" I said.

"But not as cool as yours" he countered.

We both laughed, and I noticed how close we were. About an inch or so and I would say but I didn't mind. I felt an unknown feeling of safety around Quentin that I have never felt around anyone else. He never moved either but I knew he was nervous from the way he chewed his lip.

The door slammed open and we both whipped our heads towards the intruder. Quentin's face went blank and cold as stone as he stepped away from me. Hurt radiated from my body and the person looked between us questionably. He was younger, about thirteen or so.

"Q?" The boy asked cautiously, his face weary.

"Yes Jeromy?" Quentin replied relaxing.

"Who is that?" Jeromy sneered.

"This is my mate" Quentin grinned pulling me back to him, wrapping his hand around his waist"

"Oh" Jeromy replied, his face becoming friendly and bright.

I took a deep breath and relaxed into Quentin's hold. The door slammed open again, and this time Luca came running in frantically.

"Keegan there you are," He paused and noticed Quentin there his eye flicking between us "Q, what are you doing?"  

Caution laced his voice and worry stained his features. I furrowed my brow in confusion and watched as Luca tried to figure the situation out. Quentin pulled me even closer than possible, and I let him. 

"I am trying to get to know my mate if you don't mind?" Quentin sarcastically commented.

I swatted him lightly on the back of the head and glared at him for being so rude to the Alpha. He pouted back at me as if he didn't know what he did wrong.

"Uh, Q can I talk to you for a second in my office?" Luca asked urgency cutting into his tone. 

I gave Luca a look of terror. He was going to tell Quentin what I was. He shook his head in reply and I relaxed again. Quentin unwound his arm from me and followed Luca leaving me alone in the kitchen with Jeromy.

"It is about time" Jeromy commented scaring me.

"About time for what?" I asked confused.

"That he found his second mate" Jeromy answered.

A bubble of curiosity grew in me as well as my confusion but I didn't get to ask Jeromy anything because he had left the kitchen, a sandwich in hand before I knew it. I sighed instead and began to look around for something else to eat.

I found some leftover pasta in the fridge and reheated it before sitting down at the table and eating all alone. It was starting to get dark outside and Piper was wanting to see Quentin and his wolf, Preston. 

Once I finished eating I cleaned up the mess I had made and began to wonder through the house. I caught Quentin's smell and followed it. It led me out of the house and through the cobblestone streets to the mansion I was originally led to. The doors were now closed and there were different guards standing there than earlier.

I went to knock on the door when a hand shot out pushing me back. I cowered back as the guards moved in pushing me away from the door.

"What is your business?" One of them asked.

"To s-see Quent-tin" I stuttered out as they stopped pushing me.

"What for" The other guard spat out.

I didn't know how to reply, and that was the wrong answer because each of the guards grabbed one of my arms and began to pull me away. The door to the mansion opened and Quentin stepped out with Luca. They were engaged in a deep conversation with each other and didn't even noticed my little situation.

"Quentin!" I yelled my voice cracking from the fear.

His head snapped in my direction so fast I thought he was going to break his neck. The first guard covered my mouth with his hand, but immediately both of them stopped when a loud growl pierced the air.

"Let her go" Quentin ordered his eyes switching from blue to silver.

The guards complied and stepped away from me letting my arms free of their steel grasps. Quention strode over to my shaking form quickly and picked me up, squeezing my body to his.

"It's alright tesoro" He whispered into my ear setting me back down.

He mind linked the confused guards and they went back to their previous posts. Luca made his way over to us careful not to upset me anymore. He whispered something in Quentin's ear and he nodded. Quentin wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me through the streets to a small cabin. Together we went inside. It smelt completely of Quentin. We entered a bed room, and Quentin lifted the covers of the bed and gestured me to climb in.

I crawled into the bed, and Quentin covered me up once I was lying down. He then stripped of his shirt so he was only in his sweatpants and climbed into the other side of the bed. He pulled my body into his and I was almost immediately asleep once his warmth spread through out my body.

"Goodnight tesoro" Quentin whispered as I let the darkness consume me.

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