5 - Greek God

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Chapter 5 - Greek God

Quentin is hot, and I mean Greek God hot. I really only just got looking at him now as he paces back and forth in front of the bed in his room. His white hair is barely curling over his ears, long but not too long. Next are those gorgeous deep blue eyes which are bottomless as far as I am concerned. Under his eyes sit high cheekbones and a structured nose. He has a jawline only god could himself could sculpt. 

His tan skin covers the mass muscle he has underneath. He is muscular but lean at the same time. I watch as every muscle ripples under his skin as he stalks back and forth across the room running his hand through his hair in a way I am starting to love. His right shoulder is encased by a tribal tattoo that extends halfway down his back and side before curving back up across his chest. I never noticed it before as he had a shirt on, but now it was on full display.

All I wanted to do at the moment was run my hand over every line and curve of it and just admire it. But that wouldn't be happening anytime soon because Quentin was very angry with me right now. I had disappeared for the whole day without telling anyone where I was going and he had thought that I had rejected him. As if I would ever do that. 

He looked so much hotter not that he was angry and frustrated running his hand through his hair. I wanted to do that. The way his eyebrows furrowed together so tightly made me want to smooth it out so he wouldn't get wrinkles. The way his accent-

"Are you even listening to me?" Quentin asked, frustrated.

I bowed my head in submission looking at my shoes, the anger in his voice making me nervous. Immediately Quentin calmed a little and stalked over to me. I shuffled away, but not fast enough as he grabbed me and pulled me into him. He buried his head in my neck taking deep breaths of my scent. I calmed down as well, knowing that he wasn't going to hurt me.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know where you were and I needed some new clothes. I wouldn't have went if I knew that things would end up like this" I apologised guiltily.

"its okay, just please never ever ever do that again okay?" Quentin said pulling back to look into my eyes.

"Okay" I agreed, happy he wasn't angry anymore.

Quentin sighed in relief and pulled me up off the bed and into the kitchen where he sat me down at the island. I rested my head on my hands and watched as he shuffled around grabbing things and began to cook. I loved the way that when his hair flopped down into his eyes he would blow it out. When he got frustrated with it, he would sweep all of it back making it a heavenly mess.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" Quentin smirked at me.

"Why would I need a picture when I have the real deal?" I asked.

"Getting cocky are now?" Quentin retorted.

"No just honest" I replied getting up and hugging him from behind.

Quentin put his arm over my shoulder and continued to stir whatever it was he was making. 

"What is that?" I asked looking into the pot.

"The pasta you brought home, I'm reheating it" He answered.

I just nodded happy that we were back to normal again. Quentin finished reheating the pasta and served it into two bowls, and setting it on the island. We sat together and ate in silence, a comfortable one.

"Why don't you try on all of the clothes you bought so that I can see them?" Quentin asked cheekily as we were cleaning up our dishes.

"Okay but telling you now it isn't that special" I agreed.

"Anything is special on you" Quentin said.

I blushed and turned away putting the plate I had been drying into the cupboard. I squealed when I felt Quentin grab my waist and lift me into the air. He set me on the counter and stood between my legs. This position only made my cheeks go even more red.

"What have I told you about hiding that cute little blush of yours" Quentin teased.

I was shocked into silence by how close we were. My breathing hitched and Quentin noticed, a small smile gracing his beautiful lips. I looked down letting a curtain of hair fall in between us only to have Quentin sweep it back behind my ear.

"It's okay love, I think your blushes are the most beautiful thing in the world" Quentin whispered, his accent slipping out.

I looked up, my grey eyes meeting his blue ones. It felt like it was only us, the sparks flying between us were addicting, and I think it was already too late. I was hooked. Quentin was now my addiction, and I wouldn't have it any other way to be honest.

A knock, well more like pounding on the door interrupted our moment and Quentin pulled away with and annoyed sigh. I let out a little giggle and he smiled at me before going to answer the door which was still being beaten on.

Quentin swung the door open and before I knew it Luca was inspecting my whole body for injuries just like Quentin had earlier. Luca ignored Quentin's small growls, inspecting me until he was satisfied I was in good health. Then he turned to Quentin rolling his eyes.

"Put a shirt on dude, I don't want to see your flabby fat" He joked.

"My house I can do whatever I want" Quentin sassed back coming to stand beside me.

Luca rolled his eyes and flopped on the couch, which he took up all of it if you were wondering. He just laid there and closed his eyes, ignoring us completely. I looked up at Quentin for an answer and he just shrugged in return not knowing what was up with Luca either. 

"Uh, not to be rude but when are you in our house?" I asked Luca shyly.

"Uh, because I might have found my mate and am avoiding her" He said sitting up straight.

"Why?" I asked going to sit on the floor beside the couch.

"Because she can't know that I am a white wolf" He replied sighing and running his hand down his face.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because if she tells a single soul this whole place and our kind is compromised, and if she goes missing her pack is going to be suspicious" He explained.

I just nodded, a plan formulating in my head already. 

"You know, I could keep an eye on her if you wanted. You would just have to tell me who she was or what she looked like" I offered.

"No, you can't leave you are too valuable it would be too risky" He mumbled.

"What do you mean 'too valuable'?" Quentin asked from behind me.

I glared at Luca who looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Uh, I, Uh you ask her later, I uh, have to get back" Luca stuttered his voice an octave higher.

I glared at him harder and watched like a hawk as he basically ran from the cabin and out into the night. 

"What did he mean?" Quentin asked confused.

"Why don't we get ready for bed and then I will tell you?" I offered. 

Quentin nodded in reply and dragged me upstairs handing me one of his shirts to change into. I rolled my eyes but obliged changing into his shirt and a pair of leggings after I showered.

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