8 - New School

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Chapter 8 - New School

A few heads turned when Quentin pulled into the parking lot of Wessington Collegiate. A few more turned when we got out of the car and made our way into the school. Hand in hand we walked into the office to receive our schedules. Luca had arranged so we had lockers next to each other and the same schedules. 

Once we got the information we needed, we left the office and decided to miss out on the first class and just explore the hallways. Our lockers were on the second floor of the school close to the stairwell, and the class we were supposed to be in. We just walked around inside seeing where everything was before deciding to go out to the outdoor areas of the campus. There was a football practice in play as we climbed the bleachers to watch and waste time. 

A few of the players glanced at us but didn't pay much attention as they were busy practising. A girl caught my eye. She was sitting on the far side of the field on one of the benches. There were water bottles and footballs strewn all around her. Her nose was buried in a book as she ignored the world around her. 

Dark brown hair flowed to mid way down her back, and hung in front of her face like a curtain as she furrowed her eyebrows before they flattened out again. I couldn't see her eyes but from all the way across the field I could tell she was absolutely stunning. She had a pair of glasses perched on her nose, and she pushed them up frustrated every once in a while.

I watched carefully as the guys started to head into the change rooms signalling that their practice was over. One of them though strayed over to where she was on the bench, and said something to her ruffling her hair. She had an annoyed look on her face but it didn't last long as she looked up to the guy and smiled before closing her book and shoving it in her bag. They talked for a little while longer before he jogged off to the change rooms and she gathered her bag before going back into the school.

I looked over to see Quentin stretched out on the bleachers, his arm draped over his eyes and snoring slightly. I smiled and shook him awake to go to our next class. Which just happened to be History. Quentin groaned when I told him this but I dragged him along behind me brushing off his complaints.

We made it there a little early and picked a desk to share in the back, away from the door and the teacher. People started to filter in giving us curious looks, and some of them sniffing the air. I noticed the same girl come in and sit at the table in front of us. She opened her textbook and pulled out her notebook waiting for the class to start. I did the same and smacked Quentin lightly when I saw him doodling in the textbook.

The class was pretty uneventful, and so was the next as we followed the flow of the students and ignored the looks we got. I had noticed quite a few girls running their eyes up and down Quentin and it took all I had not to growl at them. I just grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

We went to the cafeteria at lunch, and bought our lunch. I saw the girl from earlier sitting all alone at a table, and started to pull Quentin over to her table. He didn't really fight back and followed me.

"Hey is ther anyone sitting here?" I asked pointing to the chair next to her.

"Uh, no, you can sit there" She said looking up at me. 

I sat down beside her and Quentin sat across from me.

"So what is your name" I asked trying to start up a conversation.

"Malaina, Malaina Forrester" She answered looking over to me.

"My name is Keegan, and that is Quentin" I said pointing across the table to Quentin who was already inhaling his lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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