6 - The Truth

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Chapter 6 - The Truth

"I don't even know where I should start" I mumbled into Quentin's chest, which was bare by the way.

"The beginning would be a good place" Quentin joked.

"Yeah but we would be here for five million years so I am going to tell you what I am, and save the rest for a later date" I decided.

"Okay, I can work with that" Quentin nodded.

"Well you are going to have to" I sassed getting up.

"Where are you going?" Quentin asked confused.

"To show you, come on" 

We went out onto the cabin porch and I gestured for Quentin to stay there as I ran to one of the trees and went behind to shift. I almost forgot how much it hurt to shift as this would be the third time I had ever shifted into my wolf. 

Once I was fully shifted, and had made sure my wings were tucked against my side I walked out, back into the light. I spread my wings a little bit so Quentin could have a good view. As soon as he had gotten a glimpse of me his jaw had dropped. I walked up to him, being only a little bit shorter than his human form and licked his cheek.

That seemed to snap him out of his daze and he grinned. I smiled a wolfy smile in return and crouched in a playful position my tail waging back and forth in the air. This made Quentin laugh, because of me. I jumped around a little, and Quentin shifted as well standing just as tall as me but without wings obviously. He settled into a playful fight stance as did I, and we started to wrestle in the front yard. 

It had been an hour before we shifted back into our human forms, and went back to bed. I curled into Quentin's side and he wrapped his arms around me. It didn't take long before I fell asleep.









"If you poke me one more time I will castrate you" I growled.

The poking stopped, and I was nearly back asleep when I was suddenly falling. That didn't last long though because before I knew it I had landed on the floor. I groaned rolling over on my back and looking up only to see Quentin grinning at me mischievously from above.

"You are suck a jerk" I grumbled stretching.

"But I'm your jerk" He replied.

"Unfortunately" I joked.

"What is that supposed to mean" Quentin pouted adorably.

"That you are fat and ugly" I childishly insulted him.

"Tesoro, please, I am far from fat have you seen these muscles. Or maybe this face because you seem to love staring" He said cockily.

I just stuck my tongue out, not having any comebacks. I needed to work on that. Quentin grinned at me and helped pull me off the floor. Together we got dressed and made our bed before making our way downstairs to make some breakfast. 

I sat at the island and watched Quentin cook in content. He was busy making french toast, and had his tongue stuck out a little in concentration. He would look back at me every so often making me blush bright red. He would smile a little ten turn back to the stove.

"Here you are my dear" He said placing a plate in front of me.

The amazing smell made me moan quietly and I glanced up just as Quentin's head snapped to me. 

"This smells amazing" I commented honestly looking into his eyes.

"I would think so, secret recipe" He replied cockily.

"No need to get arrogant" I said as he sat down beside me.

Together we ate, making small talk here and there. Just as we were finishing up and putting the dishes in the sink someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it" I said kissing Quentin on the cheek while he started to wash the dishes.

I walked to the door and he person was knocking a second time. I pulled he door open, annoyed at their impatience. I came face to face with Luca looking at me his fist suspended in the air ready to knock again.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Wow, no hello or greeting?" Luca sarcastically answered.

"Hi, now what do you want?" I asked over dramatically.

"Better, now where is Que we need to have a little chat the three of us" Luca said pushing his way into the house.

I shut the door with a sigh and followed Luca into the kitchen where Quentin was putting the clean dishes away.

"Hey man" Luca greeted Quentin slapping him on the back.

I winced at the loud thump noise it made, but relaxed as I saw Quentin laugh and give Luca a man hug. I rolled my eyes, and Quentin must have seen because he gave me an innocent look.

"Well, why don't we go into the living room where it is much comfier" I offered.

"Yes, I think you might want to sit down for this" Luca said immediately going serious.

I was a little bit shocked by his change of mood so quick, but brushed it off and led the way into the living room. I was about to sit on the love seat, when Quentin picked me up and sat in the armchair with me on his lap. Luca then sat on the love seat where I was going to with a sour look on his face.

"I am not going to beat around the bush here, Keegan, I was thinking about your offer and-" Luca was cut off by Quentin's loud growl. I jabbed him in the gut with my elbow and he yelped a little.

"And I was thinking that I was going to send you two out to the town she is in. You will be returning to high school, but will have to be under cover as humans. Now, I don't know how long this will last but I just need someone that I trust to keep and eye on my mate" Luca explained after watching our encounter and giving Quentin a pointed look.

"Ok, when would we be leaving if we were to agree to this?" I asked quietly.

"Tomorrow or the day after" Luca answered.

"Is the school mixed, and how would we completely mask our scents?" Quentin said, his chest vibrating against my back.

"Yes, it is a mixed school, mostly wolves but there are quite a few humans. There is a special spray we have that you would have to reapply daily" Luca replied.

"Can we have a few minutes to discuss?" I wondered.

"Oh yes of course" Luca answered and got up, going outside to site on the chair and leave us our privacy.

"What do you think?" Quentin asked nuzzling his nose into my neck.

"I don't have a problem with it, as long as I'm with you" I answered smiling up at him.

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