And so it Begins...

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I honk the horn three times hoping as not to disturb Theo's neighbors. It's 7:07 and we need to be at Miss Ida's in three minutes. That will most definitely make a bad second impression of him. He comes out of the house dressed in a tshirt, zip up hoodie, jeans and black Converse. How can he look so...perfect in everything? Stop that Aphro!! Yes, he is your all time favorite actor, but this is now assassin related. Do not let this get in the way. This is work stuff. He hops into the car and a happy look comes across his face. I sigh and his expression changes.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm really sorry I got you involved in this, Theo. it was a stupid mistake on my part and now your life is completely changing because of me. It's not going to be the same, ever. I hope you know that." I back out of the driveway and speed down the street. He turns to look at me and he is obviously confused. I guess he hasn't caught on... "Remember what I said about being careful about your identity and who sees you?"


"People that we go after are going to inevitably see you, Theo. Some of them might get away from us before we finish the job. So, you can't... I mean I guess you still could, but you would have to be extremely careful but-"

"What's your point, Aphro?"

"You can't be an actor and an assassin. You just can't do it. The paparazzi would be everywhere and if anyone from a mission recognized you, that would be it," I blurt out. I was trying not to be so blunt, but sometimes you have to be. He looks at me with no regret in his eyes. He smiles at me.

"I'm ready for something new. Acting has been great, but I don't think I can do it my whole life. This is something that would be worth my time, and my life. Before we go out on any mission, I'll make sure everyone knows I'm quitting acting. As for my family, I'm not sure yet."

"This isn't just going to be a new hobby, it is your new life. There's no going back once you start training. I'm glad you're okay with this because I still feel awful about dragging you in. And as for your family, I will talk to Miss Ida and see what she thinks. I may be able to work something out so you don't have to hide from them, too. I was fortunate to have my parents part of this whole thing."
I knock on the door and look down at my phone. 7:10. We made it on time. Miss Ida opens the door before I can even finish knocking.

"Oh! Hi Miss Ida, if I would've known you were-"

"Come in, quickly," she grabs both our wrists and pulls us into the house. "We have much to do today. If you're going to be Aphrodite's partner, Mr. James, you need to start now. I don't want to delay this assignment more than necessary." We follow her down a hallway and she pulls a book off of a shelf. The bookcase swings open, revealing a large chamber full of the training equipment I always practiced on at the old location. Miss Ida walks in ahead of us and we follow. Theo's mouth drops open a little bit in awe. I elbow his side and he closes his mouth and looks down at me.

"Pay attention," I whisper.

"This is where you will train. On and off for now, but once the mission is fulfilled, you'll be spending a lot of time in here until you are caught up with the rest of the assassins," Miss Ida explains. "So, let's begin over here," she points to the weapons wall. "You look fit and strong, no need to do any sort of weight lifting by the looks of it. You'll need to know how to use multiple kinds of guns, knives, and various other killing methods and techniques. So, what do you prefer to start with?"

"I... Uh..." he stammers.

"Why don't we start with fighting," I interrupt. "He doesn't need to learn killing just yet." She looks over at Theo and then back at me.

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