Under the Ground

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I feel someone's hand on my arm, shaking me to wake up. I move my eyes around underneath my eyelids and open them. Brice is still sitting next to me, wide awake.

"I did it. I'm into Lionel's computer," he says excitedly. I sit up and rub my eyes, unsure of what he's talking about at first. "Look, this is all his information and documents. We can do whatever we want. I finished the hacking without you because you were sleeping. I was able to put a new lock on his computer so he can't get in. The new password for all of his accounts regenerates every ten seconds, so he literally has no chance of getting in. Only I can get in with the password I created for it. I applied that program to everything on here-"

"Brice, slow down," I sit up and stretch my arms, still not completely sure of what he's telling me. "Give me a chance to wake up before you tell me stuff like this." What we accomplished last night starts coming back to me as I wake up. "Okay start over," I sit up and rub my eyes.

"I got into Lionel's computer! Look, I can do whatever I want to anything! He won't be able to get back into his own computers, or his phone for that matter because they are password protected by me! It refreshes the password roughly every ten seconds. Only I can get in because I have a master password for it. Does that make sense now?"

"Yeah, it does. How come you didn't wake me up when you were done with that other thing?" He shrugs and turns his computer so I can see what he's doing.

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up. You need to sleep more, you know that?"

"Being sassy already this morning?" I take the computer and start looking at all of his documents.

"It's not being sassy it's just telling the truth. You need to sleep more. That will catch up with you when you get old, you know."

"Have you found anything of our interest?" ask him, changing the topic.

"No, I didn't really look into it much. I thought you would want to do that so I left it alone until you woke up." I rub my eyes around a little bit more, feeling a headache coming on.

"But you woke me up anyway."

"Yeah I know. I got so excited I couldn't wait much longer. Look here," he clicks on a red icon on the desktop and it opens up a webcam. The webcam is in an open rooms with no windows. There are people talking in the background. The sound is on pretty low, so I can't hear it right now Brice turns it up so we can hear it a bit better. "This is Lionel's main computer he works from. I got into the camera and now we can see and hear everything he says while this is open. It took a while, so I haven't tried with his phone or the other few computers. I think here are two others, not including his phone."

"What do you mean the computer isn't working? I was just on it earlier today," I hear Lionel in the background.

"I don't know, I've tried the password a hundred times and it's not working," a different voice calls.

"They've been fighting about it for like twenty minutes. They don't know that we can watch them though." I think of the photo Brice sent me the other day and remember that teal blue building. "Also, I got an email from Miss Ida saying that the pilots couldn't pinpoint any place where Lionel could be. They found where the photo could have been taken, but there isn't any warehouse or anything near by. They looked all over. I think about what is in the surrounding area by the building.

"That doesn't make any sense," I think aloud. I hand the computer back to Brice and sit and think.

"What? That they couldn't find a warehouse?"

"No no no. I went for a run the other day and I ran past that blue building where Lionel was seen. It's on a pretty quiet street, but at the end of the street there is just a big empty lot. I thought there was a pretty good chance that he was located on that street but-" I stop there and look at Brice. He looks back at me, utterly confused.

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