It's Not Impossible

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day 4

"I'm hungry," I whine from the floor.

"Stay quiet," Zander snaps at me. I can tell that he's getting sick of staying in here with me. He's bored at this point; Lionel still hasn't come back from hunting down Theo. "You've been telling me that you're hungry for the past couple hours. I don't know what you want me to do about it."

"How about get me some food? Usually when a person says they're hungry, they want something to eat."

"Don't be a smart ass."

"Then don't be an idiot." He's sitting across the room from me with his feet up on the table. He adjusted the chains for me so I can sit with my back against one of the walls. All of my limbs ache, my head hurts and I feel weak. I can't exactly move on my own anymore.

"Lionel will get you something when he comes back. Just chill out, would you?"

"He's been gone nearly an entire day! When do you suppose he's going to come back?" My voice gets scratchier and raspier the more I talk. I want to shout at him and make my point clear, but I don't want make it worse for myself.

"He'll come back once he's killed your boyfriend, alright? Now just shut up already." I grumble, my frustration for him growing.

"What if he doesn't find him? If he doesn't kill Theo, won't he just give up and come back here eventually? Theo is smarter than you think. I've been training him. Not to brag or anything, but I am one of the best assassins. He knows better than to stick around for long."

"If you're one of the best out there, don't you think you would have killed us by now? If you're really that good we wouldn't have captured you."

"The only reason you caught me was because I was hurt. I wasn't exactly planning on getting shot."

"Oh, I'm sure that's the only reason. Now seriously, you're pissing me off. Stop talking."

"What are you going to do to stop me?" I challenge him. I don't realize it's a bit of a mistake until the words leave my mouth. He gets out of chair and puts the chain back up on the pulley. "Wait, no-" The words are taken out of my mouth by the shock of me being shot up into the air. He pulls me up higher than I was before so my feet are a good few inches off the ground. I scream. I can't use my feet to support me at all so all of my weight is on my arms. I hear and feel something in my shoulder tearing apart.

"Now stop. Talking," he reiterates. I struggle and let out some cries not wanting my arm to tear itself from its socket. Which isn't really possible, but it feels like it could happen. It doesn't occur to me that I could cause myself more harm, so I keep wriggling around.

"Let me down, let me down," I repeat. My voice is airy and probably hardly hearable. I grunt and wiggle around to free myself, but to no avail. Zander ignores me completely and plops himself back down in the chair. I watch him close his eyes and lean back in attempt to fall asleep. Or at least zone me out so he doesn't hear me. The chains are constantly clattering and jingling, probably annoying him. If I could just get him to let me down, I wouldn't complain much more. Maybe. It's hard to tell, I suppose.

I wrestle around with the metal links a few more times and one of them slips free from the pulley. I collapse onto the ground. The silver chains fall around beside and on top of me. I make an effort to jump up quickly and dash for the door. I end up not being able to even walk in the slightest because I have lost so much strength. I've hardly left the ground when Zander stomps on the middle of the chain preventing me from moving anywhere. I trip as soon as he stops me and stumble to the ground.

"Oh good God," he mutters under his breath. I fumble with the locks on my wrists and he gives the chains a good tug, sending me sliding towards him. He seems so nonchalant about everything. He reacted quickly after I almost freed myself, but he doesn't often yell or scream at me like Lionel does. He's calm and collected, very unlike what I would expect him to be.

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