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I hop out of the shower and slip on sweatpants and a lime green sports bra. I wriggle my hair around in a towel, trying to dry it off a bit. I pull it up into a bun and quietly walk out to the kitchen. Theo is sitting at the counter on a stool with his phone held to his ear.

"She seems to be doing alright. Whatever her dream was about last night really shook her..." He pauses. "No, she still won't talk to me about what's bothering her. I'm almost certain it's the nightmares and the whole situation with Sam. Not to mention the constant stress she always puts on herself." Theo turns his head when he sees me coming over to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder. I kiss his ear softly, making him shiver. Not much, but just noticeable for me.

"She's always stressed out. I'm getting a little worried about her, honestly," Miss Ida says from the other end of the phone.

"I am too," Theo says, turning to look at me.

"You shouldn't be worried, Miss Ida," I chime in, "I'm fine."

"No, dear, you are most certainly not fine," she says sternly. She uses the same tone that she used to use when I was younger. "You should talk to a professional about the nightmares. I'll set it up. Theo said that they're happening more frequently-"

"You told her?!" I hiss at him, still trying to make it a whisper. I remove my arms from around him and place them on my hips. He turns around on his stool so we're facing each other.

"I may have mentioned it," he looks up trying to look a bit more innocent. "You've already had three this week and five or six last week," he whispers back at me. I put one of my palms across my forehead and groan, frustrated with him. "We'll talk later," he kisses my cheek before I can move out of the way and puts the phone back to his ear. "Sorry, Miss Ida, she's been a bit of a spitfire the past few days," he says looking at me with a smile. I roll my eyes and sit down on the stool next to him.

"I'm sure that it's a combination of lack of sleep, more stress and of course, being that she is twenty one now," Miss Ida teases me with the last part.

"I'm no sassier or aggressive than I was before," I say loud enough so she can hear it. Theo laughs at my remark.

"No, you've actually been less sassy and physical because you're overtired all the time," he adds.

"Oh whatever," I push on his shoulder and he just laughs again. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say leaning in an inch or two closer to his face.

"Theo," Miss Ida giggles, "I'm going to let you go. I'll talk to you later, alright? I think we should talk about Aphrodite, just the two of us."

"I can still hear you, Miss Ida," I call into the phone.

"You were supposed to hear," she sings back. "You two have fun tonight at dinner, okay Theo?"

"Bye Miss Ida," he says. She hangs up the phone first and Theo sets his down on the counter.

"First of all," I start, "I am not always stressed out. Second of all, neither of you should be worried. Third, you shouldn't have told her about the dreams!" He sits there intently, just looking me. "Considering the circumstances, I'm handling the stress rather well and just because I'm twenty one now doesn't mean I'm going to act different."

"Happy birthday, by the way," he says before stealing a kiss. I want to pull away because he's instigating me right now, but he puts his hand at the back of my neck, holding my lips hostage against his. His lips are soft and warm, just like they always are. His fingers dance on the back of my neck and drag their way to my shoulder blade, making my back tingle with excitement. Finally, he pulls his mouth from mine.

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