Your Eyes

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"Aren't you going to take these other two bags?" Theo asks as he reaches for them.

"No, keep those in here. Those are extra clothes and a party dress. By the way, you need to keep a few different outfits and a suit in here. Just in case." I reach for Theo's last bag and he does the same. I get a hold of the strap first and throw it over my shoulder.

"Need some help with that?" I raise an eyebrow at him and start off to the door. "I understand keeping extra clothes in here, but why a suit?" he shuffles a little faster to catch up with me.

"That cliché in movies where we need to go to a party in order to get information is actually true. Lot's of the evil masterminds throw parties as a sense of accomplishment. It's normal, so I've learned my lesson and that's why the dress is in here. The idiots who stand guard at the doors won't let you in unless you're dressed nice."

"Don't you need like, and ID or something?" I shake my head and he opens the door for me.

"No, usually not. There's usually a few hundred people there and they can't keep track of everyone. And if they do need identification, well then we fight our way in." I toss his bag onto the floor by his others and mine. I look around the room a little and see the apartment is actually bigger than I expected. Most of it is open concept, except for two doors. Please let those be separate bedroom with their own bathroom. I walk over and open one of them; it's a big bedroom with a queen sized bed. I walk in and don't see a door for a bathroom. I walk back out and open the other door; it's a large bathroom with a double vanity.

"What are you doing?" I stand in the door way and put one hand on my hip. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"There is only one bedroom," I say rolling my eyes. I cross my arms out in front of me and walk over to the couch. This should be big enough to fit me, or him if he wanted the couch. I look back over to him and he is giving me a hopeful look. "Stop that! We aren't going to share, I'll take the couch. Or we could take turns."

"Or we could make do with what we have and use the bedroom meant for two..."

"Yeah..." He furrows his eyebrows at me. "No, that's not happening," I laugh. "I'm going to go lock up the car. Get your extra clothes and a suit, meet me out there." He nods and laughs. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I mean never mind," he says shaking his head. He digs in one of his bags for clothes. I walk out biting my lip. I get to the car and pop the trunk so he can put his things here instead of in the back seat. I see the zipper bag that my dress is in and I spontaneously decide to open it. It's been a while since I've worn it and I thought I should give it some attention. Theo comes up besides me carrying a small bag with his clothes and his suit. He sets them down in the trunk and leans up against the car.

"Look, Theo," I start, "I don't mean to sound like a bitch or like I'm playing hard to get, but-"

"I know, Aphro. I shouldn't get on your nerves, though."

"You don't get on my nerves," I say quickly. I sigh and I see him glancing into the trunk. "That's the dress I was talking about earlier. I haven't had any occasion to wear it to in a long time. I mean, there have been opportunities, but very seldom does a lady escort herself to an elaborate party." I pull my mouth to one corner and look at the dress myself. It's a floor length, form fitting black dress with black lace sleeves. It flows a little bit at the bottom, sort of like a mermaid dress but without the poof. There is some gold gems and sparkling sequins on the right side at the ribcage, extending down to just past the hip The back is open across my shoulder blades and fits tight at my waist.

"It's a gorgeous dress," he says looking at it more closely. I smile and reach out to re zip the bag. He presses his lips together like he is holding back from saying something.

Aphrodite the Assassin (Theo James FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant