Lucky for You

142 5 7

day 2

I feel a cold breeze coming from the door way. I lift my head. Theo is staring back at me, guilt in his eyes. He runs to me, unlocks the chains and catches me around my waist as I fall. I throw both of my arms around him. I hold him as close to me as I can. He hugs me tight; his heart beating I could hear it without pressing my ear against his chest.

"You're still alive," he says between shaking breaths.

"Why wouldn't I be? You didn't think I would give up so easily, did you?" I inhale deeply and the familiar scent of Theo calms me. I find his hand with my fingers and lock my fingers in between his. I want to cherish this forever. His touch after so long of not being held by him. Not being comforted by him when I needed it most. I still do need it.

"No, of course not." He cranes his head and makes our lips meet. His lips are soft and gentle, but the kiss is hard. Not intense or sexy, but a genuine kiss that is loving. "I would never expect you to give up." I feel secure in his arms; one of his hands caressing my face and the other around waist to keep me from losing my balance. Theo rips the denim away from the button on my jeans; I take my lips away. I stare at him, confused.

"What are you-" He grasps my wrist and spins me around, pushing my back into the wall. He lightly places body over top of mine. "Theo," I struggle underneath him, "what are you doing?" He puts his mouth on my neck and pulls the tip of his tongue around on my skin.

"Are you ready?" he asks breathlessly. I smile and go along with it, not especially caring.

"Whenever you are," I lean in to kiss him, leading his mouth away from my neck and onto my lips. I recognize a familiar sensation in between my legs. It goes on for a while longer, although I don't know how long exactly...

I drearily open my eyes and see Lionel pinning me to the wall, not Theo. He sees my eyes have opened and grins devilishly at me. The room spins wildly around me. I reach my hand up to get Lionel off, but he takes my hands and holds them above my head. He bites my neck. I flinch feeling his teeth clamping down on the skin.  I know I should move away from him and I tell my brain to do so. Still, I don't move.

"I was hoping you wouldn't wake up. But since you agreed to anything, I figured you wouldn't mind if I took the opportunity. We'll have you take a test in a few weeks." I'm not completely awake and functioning, the drugs he gave me still having an effect on me. I don't realize at first that he is still inside of me until he moves his pelvis away from my body. He works on shimmying my pants back up and re buttoning my jeans. My inner thighs ache. My arms and shoulder blade as well, as they have been for days. He keeps my hands above head and I grumble quietly, feeling sore everywhere.

"What did you..." He drags me by hands back over to the chains and affixes them to my wrists. Thankfully, he doesn't pull me back into the air, but just lets me lie on the floor. He's out of breath from pulling me around. I roll onto my side sleepily.

"What exactly where you dreaming of while we were having sex? I couldn't make out any of those words you mumbled." I groan, having no energy to respond properly.

"We never... I wouldn't..." I finally realize what's he's referring to. He told me yesterday he wanted a child.

"That was part of the deal, was it not?" I close my eyes again, wanting to disappear at the very least. Die at the most. My eyes fill with tears, praying and hoping with all I can that I won't become pregnant. "Don't cry, honey." He wipes my eyes.

"Don't touch me," I whine. It's impossible for me to sound angry. Right now I just sound pathetic and helpless. I am at this point in time, though. I have no self-defense. "Leave me alone."

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