Back in danger.

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It was two days later and I was taken back to Lghi's house in his bag, he took me out when he got to his room. Lghi was getting things together for something, I was sitting on his bed and was watching him srabbling around.

"I can't find my school bag." Lghi said as he looked under his bed.

"I could help." I said, even though he couldn't hear me.

"Want to help?" Lghi asked.

I nodded in reply.

"It's black and red, when you find it, let out a roar or something." Lghi said as he set me on the floor.

I walked around and looked in nooks and crannies, but I still didn't see it. I climbed onto the bed again and looked down a crack by the wall, I let out a happy squeak as I jumped up and down.

"You found it." Lghi said as he grabbed the bag.

"I'm glad I could help." I said happily.

Lghi left the room and I hid under his pillow, I didn't want to know what would happen if his dad found me, I fell asleep. I woke up when I heard the door open, I peeked out to see it was just Lghi.

"Welcome back." I said comig out of hiding.

Lghi looked at me and smiled, he picked me up and held me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

Lghi didn't say anything as he pet me, he laid down and held me close, I knew something was wrong.

"Lghi." A woman said as the door opened, Ligh pulled me closer and hid me under his shirt.

"Yeah mom?" Lghi asked.

"Were you being bullied at school again?" The woman asked.

"No, it was those hallucinations again." Lghi replied.

"Did you stop taking your medication again?" The woman asked in worry.

"It isn't helping, they just get worse!" Lghi shouted.

It was quiet as the door closed again, Lghi began to cry as I slipped out and looked at him.

"Your eyes play tricks on you, all these monsters live in your head." I said licking his tears away.

Lghi pushed me away and I fell off the bed and hit the floor with a thud, I stood up and went under the bed and hid, I never thought he would hurt me. After an hour or two, Lghi looked under the edge of the bed to look for me, but I wouldn't come out of hiding.

"Sorry." Lghi said as he stood up again.

I heard the window open and him leaving the room, I looked out to see there was a way for me to get out. I jumped on to the windowsill and into a bush under the window outside, this extremely fluffy creature was staring at me.

"Ah, so you're the little one I've heard about." It said.

"Just leave me alone, I'm out of here." I said moving through the undergrowth.

"Are you leaving for good?" The creature asked.

"Yes, I don't want to be here." I replied angrily.

"He hurt you, didn't he?" The creature asked.

"I said leave me alone!" I growled.

"He probably didn't mean it, he's had this illness for quite some time now." The creature said. "Ever since he was able to walk, he's been seeing dark creatures around him and goes into panic attacks, as so much to not being able to breathe, so I try my best to help."

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