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*after one week*

"The fūck Liam where is my tie?!!"

"I don't know dude!! And how many times you gonna ask the same thing!"

"Argghh but I can't find it anywhere!"

"Just look th-"

"Can you both just shut the hell up?" I ask with a straight face "I'm trying to watch the game."

"We're trying to get ready ok! Plus..we aren't the ones who simply throws on a baggy tee- shorts, combat boots on everytime and gets ready in five -quite litterally- like you. We have to look presentable at the least. It's the graduation ceremony for god's sake. " Niall says smiling sarcastically.

"HEY! You know what?"
I can only narrow my eyes at him by the time but to no effect as I'm completely ignored and they get back on their mission to 'get ready'. "Just. Nevermind. I don't even know you. Who are you?"

They're both running around - and tripping- like maniacs since last one hour. Liam called me to his place to inform that we all will be leaving for the ceremony thing from here itself.
So I got ready -not in five ok in ten but whatever- and came in here but now I can't help but sit around on the couch and wait as I'm trying to watch telly eating this- now nearly empty- bowl of tomata chips Liam's mum gave for all of us before leaving.

Liam's wearing some formal sorta button down black & grey checkered shirt and pants on. Yeah.
And Niall, this tee with flannels on and NO ripped jeans! What?! Where? How? When?
Instead he has a loose blue jeans on.

Sigh. They've totally lost their mind.
Let's just concentrate on the match.

"What the fūck? Where'd my socks go now?" This time it's Liam.

"Hell I don't know man. You kept 'em right there. I guess.." Niall says pouting, as he pauses for a second but soon gains speed running around while trying to tie his shoes.

"But what will I wear now!?"

"Uhmm oh what 'bout Ash's combat boots?"

"Ha-ha very funny. But seriously now we are gonna get late man."

Liam is now rummaging through his drawers, wash basket and everything else in view.

"Umm yea no we have what still fifteen minutes left we'll reach on time don't worry at - Oh wait and here." I say glaring while standing up and handing over his socks from the dog bowl beside the sofa table.

"Oh thank god. Now. Hurry!" Liam's dragging us out of the house but not without tripping over in his attempt to wear the shoes.

We are ushered into Liam's shinning midnight blue rolls royce in no time.

He tells us that our parents must've already reached there by now as they all went together. As in planned and left at the same time.

"Gee Liam slow down-"


"And next is our school's pride, the brightest and the cleverest kids I've ever known personally. Liam James Payne everyone. Please come on stage Liam."

Liam walks up pretty confidently - even with this disgusting yellow robe thing they made us wear - with a genuine smile on his, collecting the certificates, posing for a picture and exiting on the other side.

We are stood in rows beside the stage as one by one they call us and give the damn certificates and stuff we worked our arses off for twelve long years..
kindergartens not included.

Forever Young [H.S AU]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin