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I wake up to the sun shinning brightly right above and Niall's foot not-so-shinning right in my face.

"Niall! Get the fūck off." I growl nudging him hard and turning to the other side.
He's sprawled across almost the entire sofa thing-y that we rolled out into a bed last night.
It came out this club is Louis' dads' so apparently it'll be closed for service the whole day, giving shelter for us drunks for the time being.
No one else is in the view as I try to  look around to see my other buddies that dozed off with us.

Groaning he mumbles "Ugh sorry.."
Throwing his arms around my back this time
-which feels rather heavy right now.. - as I lay flat on my stomach.

Struggling, I somehow manage to throw his arm away as I try to get  up on my feets; with a terrible headache obviously indicating hangover.
How lovely.

Steading myself I try to wake him up but to no avail,
"Get the hell up, ediot. It's almost afternoon!"

"Shut up Ash.. I've got a massive go back to sleep or something.." He mumbles which comes out in muffled voice because of his face buried in the pillows.

"Fine. You sleep. I'm out." I nudge his head one last time, earning a frustrated groan, before walking off to find where the others are.

All I see around is a handful of people collecting their stuff and making their way out other than that it's completely empty.
I wonder where Liam, Shawn and Stacey are.

As I reach the stairs I hear someone faintly calling my name from a distance so I turn around to find Zayn making his way towards me with a coffee mug in hand,
"Hey Ash. Good morning." He greets smiling as I raise my brows at him questioningly.

"Morning? It's afternoon Zayn." I roll my eyes pointing at my wrist watch.

"Oh uh," he chuckles shaking his head "Yeah you're right. But for you it's morning seeing you just woke up?" To which I nod in agreement rolling mi eyes yet again.

"Anyway coffee?" He just chuckles shaking his head.

"'course." I say smirking a little.
"Nevermind have you seen where my ediots are..? Liam and Stacey? or Shawn maybe..?" I ask frowning.

"Umm..oh yeah! I saw Stacey and  Shawn leaving with some girl early morning and Liam and the others are downstairs. ." he says shrugging.

"Leaving? Umm okay.." furrowing my eyebrows I check my phone for some texts or calls but there's none from either of them. Rather a text from Brook that says to call him back as soon as I'm free.
"Okay then let's get to Li."

"Yeah c'mon I'll show you where they are."

As soon as I reach downstairs I see a few of known faces, which includes Louis, Lilly, Rebecca, Liam, and a few unknown faces, sitting in a group and chatting casually.
That's exactly when I spot him.
Sitting on the couch with Louis and Rebecca; sipping on some drink, probably tea or coffee..judging this early in the morning..but who knows.

My encounter with him last night comes crashing down like a tidal wave. His face is totally blank so I guess he does not necessarily remember or shall I say care to remember what he said in his drunken state.

Good for him then.

He's wearing the same clothes from  yesterday, just like everyone else, with long hairs all ruffled up but still managing to look beautiful..?
Fūcking model.

He's already staring at me as my brown eyes locks with his pale green ones, though I try to tear my gaze away from him but it's like our gazes are bloody glued or something.
Fūck this bullshit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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