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"Woww this place is enormous. Just like I imagined." Liam says looking at the ceilings and the huge doors around us as we walk through the halls of New York State University.

"Really this place is something else only." I agree with him

"I know I know..thankyou thankyou." Niall comments as we raise our eyebrows and give him the seriously-what-the-fūck-look. He just shrugs his shoulder "Wha'ever."

Our last little "road trip" didn't went as planned..well to say it was horrible will be an understatement honestly. Everything was going well until that long haired one and his mates came crashing into the scene. Quite litterally.

I ended up in the hospital because of him- god only knows how much I hate hospitals- and he didn't even bother apologising!

Well technically it was our fault but I will never accept that in front of him. Ever.

I remember squinting my eyes open to the extreme bright light of that hospital seeing Niall sitting on the couch beside my bed, nervously chewing his finger nails.
Liam was worried sick talking over the phone while pacing around the room.

I wasn't that much hurt tho just a cut near my forehead to the right side. I don't understand the need to worry so much. I told them to chill out and chuck it off and that it was just a bandage and a simple cut. People get cut everytime. What's the big deal? But they straight off burst out on me commanding me to shut the hell up and lay back down and what not. I had to obey like a poor child. No choice.

Also we got discharged soon after and before the cops got too involved in the scene, Niall called his dad and everything got sorted out over the phone call god knows how but it did and finally we got sent back home.

But that's where the scary part begins....mum.

She exploded full on crying, hugging me as soon as I entered and saw the bandage around my head..I tried to convince her it was nothing but she just wouldn't listen.. getting all emotional and all..I couldn't deal with it much longer so I just decided to shut up.

And then suddenly as she remembers she's supposed to be a strict mom too she starts scolding me about how irresponsibly I behaved and shit.

Niall and Liam didn't had it nice either. Niall's mum threw a fit and so did Liam's parents.

To climax it all we three ended up pretty bad.. getting grounded for almost a week..yeahh..- had to Skype and shit - and that's why Niall's dad drove us himself this time to drop us off at the uni for real now.

And now we are seeing around the campus, trying to find our dorms and all.
This place is actually pretty nice honestly I like it.
Quite peaceful.

"Well well well," a voice says as we turn the corner and see three guys standing in front of us. Shit.

Peaceful? Spoke way too soon.

"Look who we've got here. Well, hello?" The drunk guy from that one night at the bar is standing staring at us with that curly haired smiley guy and that black haired hot guy from the bar.

"Hi." Niall says briefly. I'm standing on his right side and Liam on my other side as we face our lil' 'enemy' clan. Ok this is fun.

"Hello there." Curly one says stepping forward staring me straight. A stupid smirk plastered on his.

Liam exhales loudly beside me as he steps a bit forward too and that guy notices him and raises an eyebrow chuckling. "Whoa."

"Well we never got the chance to introduce ourselves." Short one says sweeping the hairs on his forehead to one side. "I'm louis."

Forever Young [H.S AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora