Awkward Moments-Louis Tomlinson

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Hey my lovelies! I do not have any followers yet...,but I have a lot of reads and that makes me very happy, so thank you! Here it is, folks! Enjoy!  

"(Y/N), I want to ride in the trolley!" Your best friend, Louis whined. "No, Louis! You're too Heavy!" You told you're childish buddy. He sighed loudly. In fact, he sighed so loudly that the people in the isle gave us a death glare. "Who are you staring at?!" Louis questions sassily. The people that were in the isle quickly turned back to what they were previously doing. "Oh my god, Louis! You're embarrassing me!" He stared at me for a few seconds before he gave me a sly grin. "I will not stop until you let me ride in the trolley!" Louis literally a grumpy 4 year old. I thought about it for a few seconds before I moaned. "Fine, get in the stupid grocery cart." I mumbled, defeated. "It's a trolley not a grocery cart." Oh my god. Does he not know that we're from different places?!?! "Whatever Louis."  

  "Faster,(Y/N),faster!" Louis yelled while I tiredly pushed Louis down the isles. I hate him right now. If there were an ocean by this grocery store...  I slightly picked up my pace, trying not to fall. I went into the fruit section and I grabbed a cold bag of apples. While I was reaching for the apples, I heard a loud crash. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that it wasn't my grocery cart. I slowly turn around to see Louis in the cart while it's tipped over on it's side. I take a deep breath trying to ignore the people that were staring at like I was crazy. Helllloooo! Blame Louis! He stood up as I put the grocery cart back into the position that it was supposed to be in. I stared at him,as he slowly turned towards me. Awwwwww! He's blushing! "Again, again! He yelled. Way to ruin the moment, Louis. Way to ruin the moment.  _________________________  A/N Ok, well that's it for now! This one was very different from the rest...but that's okay! I enjoyed writing this and I hope that you enjoyed the imagine! I am going to work on the part twos for the other imagines and I will start a new topic for all of the boys or I can make them random for each and every one of them. In order for that to happen, I need 5 VOTES, 2 FOLLOWS, or 1 COMMENT. A request will work,too! I will not update until I have at least one of these! So, if you're reading this, I need something. It shows me that you care. Goodbye, my BEAUTIFUL ( and I mean beautiful) lovelies! Bye!

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