Harry asking you out (after you eat out)

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Hey, my lovelies :) I am updating again! Yay!


(1/13/16- Okay, I wrote this like 10 million years ago, so I thought the title was Harry asking you out after he eats you out, I was like mmmmkkk then)

"What should I wear?" I ask my best friend, Liam. Well, he is also the friend of my other best friend, Harry Styles. Harry just asked me to go out to dinner with him.I said yes of course( I mean, who wouldn't). I was currently searching my closet and Liam was bored, so i agreed to let him help me with my outfit, makeup and hair.

" I think that you should wear a sparkly, red dress or whatever girls wear." Liam carelessly informed, absorbed in his phone.

" Liam, I'm not going to a club,"I reminded him." I am just going out to dinner with harry."

" Okay, well wear something casual!" Liam snaps." How can girls get ready for a date this long! I would be done by now!

"I'm not going on a date!" I tell him.

"Whatever!" Next thing you know, he storms out the door. Someone's on their man period...

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone say. I turn around to see my best friend, Harry across the street, standing in front of a fancy restraunt. I quickly run across the street to where Harry is. We greeted each other and we entered the building that is currently filled with tons of food. We are quickly guided to a booth, since Harry made a reservation. " I haven't seen you in a while," Harry mumbles. I look up from my menu and I realise that he's right. We haven't seen each other in a while... because of his tour. He's back though.

" Yeah, you're right. At least you're here now right?" I ask Harry, while looking into my eyes. He agrees and we start to eat the food that just arrived.

" Do you need anything else?" the waitress asks while looking at Harry, completely ignoring the fact fact that I was here with him.

" No, thank you." Harry simply replies dully, looking at his hands.

The waitress grunts, annoyed that Harry was not paying attention to her. Then, she glares at me. What did I do? I turn my attention back to Harry and he is still looking at his hands. Just when I think that he was going to do that for the rest of his life, he looks up. He smiles and we start to catch up on events that happened while he was on his tour. The waitress arrives with our food. She gently sets Harry's food, but then, she throws my food on the table so hard that it all falls on me. I quickly stand up and so does Harry. The waitress quickly gives me a hard glare before she rapidly softens her expressions, pretending to look sad and dissapointed.

" Whoops." Is all I her from her before I run outside, forgetting about Harry.

" Wait!" Harry yells. I turn around so that I could see him. I stood where I was, waiting for Harry to catch up. He walks up to me and he gently tucks my hair behind my ear. I slowly close my eyes, longing for his touch as he retracts his hand from my face.

" I'm sorry about what happened," Harry whispers in my ear. He offers to take me to home and I decline, but he took didn't take no for an answer. The ride home was pretty short. It probably took us 5 minutes to arrive to my place. I took out my keys ,so that I could open the door. I hear a laugh behind me as I stick the key into the hole. I give him a confused look before he points to my house key. I look at it and I remember that it is a key that I customised at Home Depot. It's a One Direction key. I roll my eyes whie I lightly push the door open. I let Harry sit on the couch while I walk into the kitchen to microwave the dinner that Harry and I are going to eat. At least it won't be thrown onto my clothes on purpose... I walk into the living room to find Harry picking out a movie that was on the shelf. I plop down the two giant bowls that are filled with onion rings and popcorn.

" Do you want me to order pizza?" I suggest. Harry simply nods, still focusing on the movies.

" That was a good movie-"

" That you saw about a million times?" I finish for him. Love Actually was the movie that we just watched. He smiles while staring at the last onion ring that was in the bowl.

" Are you going to eat that?" I ask him. Instead of answering, he just kneels on one knee, holding up the onion ring to his chest. The sight makes me laugh.

" (Y/N), will you go out with me?" Harry makes puppy eyes. I laugh and nod before he cheers, picking me up and spinning me around.


Well, I think that is more than enough :)

If you liked it then, let me know :)


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