Chapter 4

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Faith woke up from hearing someone crying. She got up and out of bed walking into the hallway listening. The crying seemed to be coming from Masky's room. She quietly opened the door and walked over to his bed. "Masky are you ok?" Faith said softly. Masky jumped at her presence and wiped his tears away."Y-Yeah I'm fine." Masky replied as if he was going to start bawling. After hearing his tone Faith sat down in bed and hugged him. Masky then started crying again, holding Faith closer to him. After awhile they both had fallen asleep.

~Magical Time skip brought to you by Slendy wearing a pink apron~

Masky woke up and saw that Faith had fallen asleep in his arms. His eyes burned from the crying last night. Faith woke up and sat up. "Morning." She said then yawn. Her yawns pretty cute. Masky thought to himself. He smiled and Faith looked at him. "Wut" She said. Masky kept staring in her eyes then he smashed his lips against hers without thinking first. Faith pulled away after 10 seconds and sat there looking at Masky suprised. Then she got up and ran out the door. Why me? Why does he like an ugly bitch like me? Faith thought to herself as she hid under her bed. Why is he playing my emotions like everyone else? I thought he was different. Faith kept thinking as she saw Masky walk into her room. "Faith? Faith I'm sorry, I just. I just wasn't thinking." Masky said as he kneeled beside the bed and looked under it to find a teary eyed Faith. She said nothing just layed there under the bed. He pulled her out and hugged her tightly. I shouldn't have done that. Plus why would she ever love or ever like someone like me? Masky thought.

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