Chapter Six: Home Alone

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Chapter Six: Home Alone

I woke up a little after noon remembering that Wolfe had said that she would be gone most of the day if not all of it. I sighed I didn't want to be home alone. Mainly because she had told me it was best to stay in the house. I can understand that though if I'm inside wolves passing through are less likely to attack since have to be invited in. Also she told me to stay out of the attic. Which confuses me but I don't want to go up there because she has been really nice and I don't want her to be upset. I go down stairs and find some bread under a bowl on the table with a note attached. The note reads.

"Dear Red,

I'll be gone until after dusk for the Asaris festival I have some food for you in the cellar you might want to warm it up though also there's some bread under the bowl but I will see you tonight or tomorrow.



Okay so I would be alone for the next half of the day. I cut a few slices of bread and heat it up and go to the cellar to look for some jam. I find some jam ,strawberry-rhubarb yum, also I find a small steak and a note on a chest saying not to mess with the contents. I go upstairs and save my toast and put the steak on the oven with a seemingly undying fire after I finish making breakfast I look at the books she has one catches my eye "Legends of the Packs" I sit at the dinning room table and begin to read while I eat.

'Chapter One: The Begining of the Wolves

The first werewolf was Sol a sand colored wolf. He was just a wolf at the begining of his life but that changed after he meet Luna. Luna was a human but Vita had given her the power to speak with animals in their language but at the price of no longer being able to speak to her people. Luna and Sol became close friends and the people in the town did not mind Sol for he had protected them from thieves. But after a time Sol grew to love Luna and he prayed to Vita to make him human as to be with Luna but Vita could only make him half human. So he became the first werewolf he was scared and hid what he was from Luna for four years on the first day of the fith year he told her and showed her what he had become. And as he feared she ran he did not chase her but simply resumed his wolf form and sat in the clearing and howled for his loss of Luna.'

I put a napkin in the book to mark my place and threw the the scraps of food away. 'That's a very sad tale' I thought I go upstairs to see if my room has any spare cloths. I find a silvery dress that's about my size and change into it. Luckily it fits well and I put my cloak on over it. I look at my room I've never had my own room so it's a weird feeling. The room is split into 2 parts the first part has a large window with small bookcases beneath it and a small table by the wall. The second has a small window a chest and a closet. Most of the things are empty though except there's a journal in the chest along with some ink and a quill. I decide to write in it tonight before bed so I can have all of today's memories saved somewhere. I go down stairs to continue reading only to find a wolf outside the door. The wolf appeared to be a she-wolf because it was small. The wolf just stared at me for a while. I only made a brief bit of eye contact and kept my head down this was not going to be good.

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