What shock feels like

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After our date, Wonwoo walked me home like the gentleman he is. I got home and started to get ready to go to sleep. Before I could even finish, I fell asleep.
My heavily eyelids started to flutter open as I heard my phone go off. I picked up the phone and squinted at the tiny text written on it :
"Good morning jagiya (: did you sleep well? Please come to the park this afternoon, there is something I need to tell you."
Wonwoo wasn't usually the type to ask for dates over the phone, something was off. But nonetheless I accepted the invitation and started to get ready.

Before I even noticed, it was already 11:30 and I was supposed to meet him at 12. I quickly dashed out my apartment and made my way to the park. Walking along the pavement made me reflect on many things and as

I finally reached my destination, there he was. Jeon Wonwoo standing next to the swings. My favourite part of the park. I wonder why he called me out on such short notice.. I guess I'll find out now.

Our dysfunctional relationship - A Wonwoo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now