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Becas POV
"What the hell is this?" A deep male voice spoke from behind us, I knew that voice better then anyone, especially this angry tone.. It was my dad, "dad!" I said in shock jumping away from Chloe, Chloe looked shocked, she didn't know what to say and her face was bright red, "Rebeca Mitchell tell me what In gods name is this!" He started to shout, "uh listen dad it was just a drunk kiss okay? Means nothing okay? I'm sorry!" I blurted out quickly, I could tell the tall red head was confused, because we was both sober, didn't drink at all, "uh should I go?" Chloe asked a bit worried,"no no stay" I said grabbing Chloe's arm, she gave me a reassuring nod to say she will stay, "don't you dare ever come to me one day telling me you like girls, you will burn in hell, and burn a hole in my heart when I have to disown you beca, I'll let this be your one and only strike, I'll let it slide, get your focus on boys beca, and school, otherwise you are no daughter of mine! Got it?" He said pulling me in for a awkward hug, "yes dad" I said pulling away from him and lowering my head, I could feel tears burning my eyeballs, the strength I'm using right now not to cry is very hard, but I gotta do it don't i? My dad left my room a few mins ago, but I just stood there looking down, wanting to scream and cry, I knew I wasn't able to come out, "so I guess I just met your father?" Chloe said with a shaky voice, "my some what of a dad.. Yeah I guess so.." I replied quietly, I felt a slightly cold, shaking hand on my shoulder, I flinched slightly, she went to take her hand away, but I took my own hand and placed it on top of hers, "single or taken?" I asked going back to the questions, "well Mitchell, I'm single, hence why I kissed such a perfect girl like you" she said going to wrap her arms around my waist. I moved closer into Chloe, putting my hands on hers, and leaning my head on her shoulder, "weird how we have kissed when we only knew each other from today, don't you think?" Chloe says, I just nod, I didn't wanna speak, I love how comfy I was, how real it felt... Can't be like this forever, so gonna make the most of it aye?

2 weeks later.. During the 2 weeks beca and Chloe got closer and spent more time together, Chloe's POV

I was sat on a park bench in the quad, on my laptop looking on Twitter, all my friends in the Bellas were in class, I had the day off today as my teachers wife went into labour, yay pregnancies, I had ear phones in listening to music minding my own business, but I wasn't fully focused on the music or my laptop, it was beca on my mind, just loads of thoughts going through my head, god she's perfect that girl, the things I'd do to be with her, oh my god what am I saying!? Right we are just friends, yeah we have sorta made out but she doesn't like me like that, I know she doesn't, I got hit back into reality by my phone buzzing, it was a text from Aubrey,
A-Chloe! Where are you! It's 20 mins into rehersals!
CRAP! I was really day dreaming a lot...
C-shit sorry Bree I got caught up with something, I'm on my way!
A-hurry up! Beca is worried sick about you, come calm her down, she won't shut up about if your hurt what would she do and stuff omg just hurry.
With that last text I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my laptop and ran to rehersals, I'm pretty sure I was blushing byh e fact beca was so worried about me, why was she even so worried? I'm so confused, anyway need to focus now!
I walked into the hall, I hear a few sobs and realised it was beca, "CHLOE!" I heard her soft worried voice shout, she ran over to me and pulled me in for a hug, Aubrey grabbed my laptop so I could hug her back, so I pulled her in for a tight hug, "hey short stuff" I said kissing her forehead, "I'm okay I promise" I finished, she pulled away and cupped my cheeks, "I was worried sick about you Chloe, I'm so sorry for being clingy like this, just my mind turns to the worse and I get scared I'm sorry, I just don't want you hurt" she said with a tear rolling down her cheek, I smiled at her, and took her hands from my cheeks and wiped her tear away, "I think we should start rehersals kiddo" I said, I quickly glanced around the room and saw no one was looking, and I gave her a peck kiss on her lips then walked over to wear the rest of the Bellas were.
It was a hour into the rehearsals and I soon lost concentration, my mind wondered off to beca again, how cute she was, how safe I feel In her arms, I love the way she sings, how she speaks to me, it's so cute the way that she worried about me, I wish I could call her mine. "What was that Chloe?" Bree said to me, I was confused at this point, "uh? What?" I asked. Aubrey stared at me, I felt someone lean into my ears, "you said mine" they whispered, "um it was nothing sorry, carry on" I said going red. Shit. Fuck. Crap. Help me! I can't control my feels for beca, I really can't, I looked over at her to see her already looking at me, blushed then smiled at me, I smiled back probably blushing as well, "stop eyeball fucking you two" fat Amy shouted, "why we're not omg" beca said crossing her arms, blushing yet again, this short one is so cute, she's like a lost little puppy at times, who just needs guidence. I remember seeing beca smiling and laughing and being really close and touchy with that guy Jesse at the radio station, why did I suddenly think of this? Ugh.. What if she has feelings for him? Clearly she does, she likes him, oh my god, wait she said she has thoughts she's a lesbian? No she's bisexual clearly!  Why am I getting so jealous over this guy! I mean if he got her, they he is the luckiest guy ever, and I mean that! But seriously I want to call beca mine, I wish I could! No idea how long I was day dreaming for but I zoned back in when I saw beca and Jesse talking at the hall doors, she was laughing and smiling again, I looked a away for a moment, but it went silent, there was a few gasp, so I looked back at beca and Jesse... And they....
Hope you are enjoying this story so far, sorry it's taking so long to update the stories, but I will get back in to it properly I promise!

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