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Becas POV
My head was pounding, and my eyes were sore, my jaw was on fire, and my mouth was dry.. I can't believe that actually happened.. The fact he could just do that to me..

I opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the light, it was a bright room, but with only a small window, the bed was kinda hard, and the walls were stone cold.
"Beca?" A soft voice said, I opened my eyes a bit more, I allowed the light to break through so I could see who it was, I adjusted my head towards where the voice came from, i saw the ginger curls, and I instantly knew who it was.
"Hey" I said sweetly, "how come your here?" I asked, Chloe reached for my hand,
"The nurse called me off your phone, said you wanted me, if you remember, I came as soon as she called, I had to sign some papers to say you had someone who can look after you while you get better, but the nurse and the principal would like to know what happened becs, you can tell me when ever your ready, and I can speak to them for you if you like" she replied.

I shook my head, she looked confused, I don't even know what happened properly.. Well before I blanked out that is..
"Chloe, can we talk about what happened when my head isn't pounding?!" I hissed, she looked shocked at my reaction, I put my hands over my face in shock my self "I'm so sorry" I said.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, of course, speak to me when ever you feel like it" she said in a worried tone.

"Miss Mitchell, we're going to have you miss tomorrow's classes, and Chloe, if you don't mind, so are you, we can let the professors know for you, she just needs to rest her head, what ever happened was something hard, and hit her right in a dodgy place, but you should be better in no time! But per then that, your free to leave when ever you wish!" Nurse Rosewood said, then exited the room. I glanced over at beca who was smiling, she shifted her body to stand up, but she seemed to be in a lot of pain, so I help her hands and arm to give her some stabilising.

Chloe's POV

We finally got back to my dorm, after what seemed to be forever, the girl needed rest, and that is what I'm gonna plan, movies in bed, if she lets me, ice and jelly, let her chill for a bit, maybe get her some of her mixing stuff to help her relax.

"Chloe.. About what happened..." Beca whispered as we entered the room, she gulped, "it was Jesse, I don't remember much.. But before I blanked out.. We was arguing about him being fired from the station, and he launched right at me, smacked me straight in the jaw, and I fell to the floor, I remember seeing his fist come close to my face again.. But next time I opened my eyes, I was with you" she finished, I laid her down on my bed, and put a blanket around her before I answered her.
"How dare that son of a bitch touch you!" I shouted, "I bet that's where Luke went! He needed to go sort someone out.. So I bet that's what happened!" Beca looked at me confused,
"You what now?" She asked,
"The nurse told me that Luke took you to the first aid room, and that he said he needed to go sort someone out, I bet it was sawson he was sorting out..." I told her, Beca shook her head, "what?" I asked...
"This was supposed to be our date night.. Now your stuck looking after me, I'm such an idiot sometimes!" She hissed at her self. I shook my head and gave her a gental kiss, I slid under the covers with her and snuggled into her body.


It's been a few hours we have been back at Chloe's dorm, and Chloe was sound asleep in my arms, I didn't want to escape from this moment, the way she feels up close to me, the way my heart melts from her touch.. It's just something I never want to end.
I shifted my self upwards to get more comfy, but as that moment, Chloe's phone made a noise, I grabbed her phone to see if it was anyone important, it was Tom.
I knew what I should do, I should wake her up and tell her that she has a text... But I needed to know why he wanted her, I thought they were over..
I gulped in fear in what it said..
Hey Chloe? I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date? You said you don't know what the future holds, but you hope to be holding someone special in your arms.. I was hoping that would be me.. I know we split.. But please, just a single chance? X
I just held the phone and stared at it, Chloe wants someone.. And Tom wats it to be him.. What if she goes back to him?

I nudge Chloe while turning the screen of the phone off, she turned to face me, her eyes half open, and her hair spreader across the pillow and into my face,
"You've got a text" I say handing her the phone,
"Morning to you to" she giggled to me, I shook my head,
"Morning red" I said back, she smiled at me. She took the phone and opened it to read the message, she began to type but I couldn't see what she was saying.
"You read what he said didn't you? Don't lie cause I know Beca" she said still typing,
"I'm sorry" I said, I didn't know what to say,
"I don't mind, I trust you and I hope you trust me,my out can read any of my text because I have nothing to hide, and here, read what I replied" she said shoving her phone into my face,
Tom, get gone, seriously, I don't want you, you cheating bastard, I don't know what I saw in you, but I know for sure, I don't see it anymore, I want someone else, and it's not you. So bye Tom.
"I trust you Chloe.. I'm just scared you might be forced back to be with him.." I said,
"I won't let that happen, Beca, I promise, plus I like someone, much more then I ever liked that thing" she said smiling at me, I nodded at her and pushed my self further up the bed to be sat up properly, Chloe moved her self on top of me, and wrapped her legs around me and had her arms around my neck, I placed my arms around her waist and looked into her eyes, she came closer and closer to my face. Her forehead rested against mine,
"I think we should get away for a while, go to my families cabin, just us two, for a weekend, how do you like the sound out that?" She asked me,
"I think that sounds amazing Beale" I replied, just the thought of being far away from here for a couple of days, just me and Chloe. It made me smile, I had butterflies in my stomach, and made me want her more..

I felt Chloe's head shift slightly, and suddenly our lips were connected..

Hope you liked this chapter ☺️ might try and update later today.. If not then I dunno when I'm next updating :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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