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Becas POV
My Alarm clock went off at 6:15am, the light came through the windows and shines brightly on to my door, that was enough light for me to get ready in. I climbed out of bed slowly and grabbed my phone, 5 new messages..
Jesse-Babe you need the station today? ;)
Jesse-babe? Yes or no?
Jesse- maybe coffee before it? Help us get closer again ;)
Jesse- don't ignore me you whore ;)
Jesse- I'll be at yours I'm 5 ;)
That last message was sent 6 mins ago... There was a loud knock on the door.
"Go away Jesse!" I shouted, I shook my head and made my bed,
"Beca let me in now" Jesse said through the door crack. I ignored him and went to the bathroom. I needed to get out of my room with out opening my door.. The only other way out is jumping out of the window.. That is a possibility..
I received another text,
Jesse-let me in, I want to say sorry
Beca-yeah what ever just fuck off Swanson
Jesse-what ever, I'll see you later then
I turned my phone off and began getting ready for work.
It was now 8am and I had to leave for the station. I really didn't want to go there again but j guess I had to. 
I walked past Aubrey and Chloe's room, I heard them talking so I decided to listen...
Chloe's POV
"Bree this isn't fair. I wanna be able to call her mine" I said sitting up on my bed, she shook her head,
"Give her some time Chloe, seriously, you have gotten out of a relationship at the start of the semester, like a month ago, and go knows what she's doing, just give her time and if she wants you, she will come after you" she replied,
"So I have to sit and wait for her? I don't want to wait, I want her now" I shouted, suddenly there was a knock at the door, me and Aubrey froze starring at each other, then Aubrey gave me a nod and I stood up to go answer the door. I opened it slowly, stood there was a small brunette.
"Me. You. Tonight" she said softly, I blushed and looked back at Bree to see her smiling, she nodded at me to tell me to go for it.
"Sounds like a plan" I said back,
"Date, this is a date.." Beca said in a awkward tone, I smiled again,
"Of course it is babe, casual or formal?" I asked
"Casual, keep warm thou" she said then walked off. I stood still for a good few seconds after, I turned to Aubrey and just squealed with excitement.

Becas POV
It was around 10am when Jesse decided to stroll into the station like everything was okay. I went round to the back of the radio booth and started stacking CDs back there. I could heard Luke and Jesse talking about something.. It seem to get louder and louder after every sentence.
"Jesse for crying out loud! Your fired!" Luke shouted,
"Not a chance I need this job Luke"
"Well you seem to be acting like a pretty big dick recently and it's not cool at all, I want you gone"
"Me the dick? Yeah look who's speaking"
I walked round to see what was actually happening, Luke was still shouting at Jesse and Jesse was just laughing at him, I feel like this is my time to get him gone.. I need to help Luke,
"Hey Luke what's happening? I asked,
"Not a good time short stuff," he replied,
"Yeah get lost" Jesse hissed at me,
"Wanted to say sorry to me didn't you Jesse? Yep that's right, you have been a dick head, you came trying to barge Into my dorm to say sorry but clearly you don't mean anything, Luke had fired you,meh wants you to get out here so just get lost Jesse" I shouted at him, Luke came to me and started to rub my shoulders, he nodded at me to let me carry on, "you only work here to try take advantage of girls like me Jesse, me and you both know that, and now Luke does as well, so if you would be so kind, please close the door on the way out. K thanks" I finished, Jesse just stood there in shock, his eyes rolled...

Chloe's POV
Im currently on my diner break before I go to my next class when I get a phone call from Beca,
C-hey Beca how's it goin?
B- hello is this Chloe beale?
C-um yeah it is.. Who is this?
B-it's campus nurse, nurse rosewood, Beca has just recently woke up from being unconscious, she's okay at this moment, but she needs to be taken home and looked after over night and she is refusing to stay here, she asked me to get you to come pick her up, if you would be so kind to come get her when ever you can please miss.beale
C-yes, yes, of course, I'll be there as soon as I can nurse
With that the nurse hung up, I dropped my food and ran for the first aid room.
I knocked on loudly to make sure Beca knew I was worried, I wounded what happened, I hope she's okay, oh my god if someone tried to hurt her!
The nurse opened the door and I ran straight for Beca who looked tired and out of it,
"You must be miss. Beale, I'm nurse rosewood, we are going to have to get you to sign some papers for Beca before she could be realised" the ruse said taking my hand,
"What happened to her?" I asked walking towards the nurses desk,
"Well we aren't completely sure, but she has got something to do with being hit on her head, that nice lad from the radio station, Luke I think his name is, brought her here, said he needs to take care of someone then left, if you would, when Beca is ready to talk, please find out what happened for us" the nursed said softly, finding the papers and a pen. I nodded then began to sign the papers.

Might update this one again soon... Hope you enjoyed it :)

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