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I was walking down the hallway of my home, the dojo my uncle owns. He has taken custody of me and my twin brother ever since our parents died. I still get nightmares about it.
As I walk past the kitchen, for it was almost dinner time, I hear a commotion, and immediately start running in, nearly getting hit with a kitchen knife, but I ducked in time. I look up to see my brother fighting an unknown boy, who was putting up a good fight against my twin. I dove in between the fighting boys and separated them.
"What are you doing, sister?" My brother, Tommy, asked me in Japanese.
"What are you doing, Tommy?" I asked, facing him with my death look. I look at the boy, who looks downright scared. I looked over and found a bowl of rice that was for me. I take it and give it to the boy, a kind and gentle smile on my face. The boy looked at me, shocked, but took the bowl anyway.
He was about to eat with his hands when I gave him the options of either chopsticks, or a fork. He took the fork and smiled gratefully at me. I turn rapidly on my brother and was about to scold him when my uncle entered the room.
"Storm Shadow! Night Angel! What is going on?" He demands. I spin around to face him and bow respectfully.
"Uncle, I found Storm and this boy fighting in here, so I stopped them."
"Why we're you fighting the boy, Storm Shadow?"
"He was stealing!" My brother defended himself. My uncle looks to the boy, who looks my uncle in the eye without looking away.
He's bold. I realize, and smile at him. My uncle turns to Storm Shadow and begins to scold him about inviting the boy in and showing him our ways. Uncle then turns to the young boy, who had finished the bowl of rice I'd given him. He hands it back to me and I put it in the sink. I turn to see Uncle smiling at me.
"Thank you, Night Angel, for taking care of this boy." He said, and I smile at the boy, who smiles back at me.
"Now," my uncle begins. "What shall we call you?"
The boy looks at my uncle, then at me, and smiles.
"Snake Eyes."

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