Attack on the Pit

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I'm relaxing in the Alpha team's lounge with Snake's head still on my lap. Heavy and Breaker are playing chess, Ripcord and Scarlett are arm wrestling, and Duke is lifting weights.
Suddenly, an alarm goes off, startling Ripcord and allowing Scarlett to win the arm wrestling match. We all bolt to our feet and grab our weapons. Snake already loaned me some swords, two pistols, a compound bow with a quiver of arrows, and a whole belt of ninja throwing stars. I put all of my weapons in place, and hold the compound bow in my hand as I run after Snake Eyes.
When we reach the battle area, the main hanger is in chaos. Men screaming for help or giving out battle cries, gunshots, and the sound of a sword being removed from its sheath.
I look around, frantically trying to find Duke and Ripcord, when, not too far off, I see a man dressed in all white cut Ripcord's handgun in half.
As I charge at them, Snake next to me, Ripcord looks at his half gun stupidly, then looks at the white clothed man.
Snake reaches him first, blocking the man's overhead cut. He says something I can't hear, then I body slam the guy, knocking both of us down. I stand up quickly and come face to face with...Storm Shadow?!
My eyes widen slightly, then anger burns within me, and I know that he can sense it, because his eyes go wide with fear, shock, and surprise.
"Sister? I didn't expect you to be here." He says, tilting his head.
"Expect the unexpected, brother, and you won't be so shocked in life." I say before shooting an arrow at him.
He skillfully dodges my arrow, and I drop my bow. Pulling out my swords, I charge at him, a battle cry escaping from my lips.
For a split second, Storm Shadow looked fearful of me, but then the fear left his eyes and he blocks my attack. For a while, he blocked and I attacked, then we switched roles and soon we were both attacking and blocking each other's attacks.
One second of relief from fighting, I see that Snake Eyes is engaging in a battle of his own against a woman dressed in electric blue. Before I can asses the girl any more, my twin attacks me again.
I narrowly block his cut towards my wrist, looking at him with pure anger and hate. He looks at me, shock and sadness crossing his face. We hear a cry of pain behind me, and I quickly disarm my brother and kick him in the head...hard.
I spin around to see Snake Eyes on the ground, a knife in his chest. The girl looks down at him, triumph shining in her eyes.
My vision turns red, and I let out the fiercest snarl I can manage. The girl looks up, surprised at my snarl. I charge at her and sock her right in the jaw. She cries out, and I realize that she's almost as good as Storm Shadow. Almost.
I swing and slice at her, cutting her here and there, and she moves back to avoid my attacks.
She moves to stand next to Storm Shadow, fear written all over her face. Storm Shadow looks at me, pure sadness in his eyes. I look at him, my expression cold and hard. We all here something and turn our heads to see Anna shouting at my brother and the girl that they had to leave.
My brother looks at me before pushing the girl along. I'm about to go after them, when I remember that Snake Eyes is behind me with a knife in his chest. I turn around and kneel next to my comrade. I gently ease him onto my lap and slowly draw the knife from his chest. This causes him to wake up.
Snake Eyes grabs my wrist, gasping for air and groaning in pain.
"Easy, Snake. It's just me." I say, calming him down. He takes a few more ragged breaths, then passes out from the pain. I heave him onto my shoulders, being careful to avoid the knife wound as much as possible. By then the battle's nearly over.
With Snake Eyes on my shoulders, I make my way to the infirmary.

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