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*The image above is what Night Angel wears as a battle outfit*

The aircraft we are on is very interesting. I'm studying it when Snake Eyes approaches me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"You seem to be studying something. What is it?" He asks. I realize that his mask is off and his eyes are full of concern. I just smile at him and explain that I was studying the aircraft. He smiles and explains how he designed it. We then remembered about my broken ankle and Snake bandages it.
We were laughing when we caught onto the conversation that was going on.
"You're obviously British by your accent, and you're from...?" Duke asks the smaller man.
"Morocco, where we're you born?" The Moroccan man asks.
"Duke wasn't born; he was government issued." Ripcord says, leaning his head up only for the red haired woman to push it back down.
"What are your names?" I suddenly ask.
"I'm Breaker, that's Heavy Duty, and she's Scarlett." The Moroccan man, er Breaker, says, pointing to each of the two he named.
"What about you, beautiful?" Heavy Duty asks. I look at him sternly.
"I'm Night Angel, he's Duke, and that's Ripcord." I say, pointing to each of us as I introduced us to the team.
"Where were you born, Angel?" Breaker asks.
"Cool. Did you and Snake Eyes train together?"
"How long have you known him?" Scarlett asks, suspicious. I smirk at her.
"Why do you ask? Jealous?" Scarlett is speechless at first.
"N-no. I'm just curious."
"Uh huh, sure you are."
"Angel..." Snake warns. I look at him with puppy eyes, making him laugh.
"You know very well that doesn't work on me."
"Damn it!" Snake laughs and the aircraft hits a turbulence.
"Well, whoever you are, whatever you are, I want in." Duke says, silencing the group.
"And if you think you're only getting Duke, you're crazy." Rip adds. Duke looks to me, and I sigh.
"Fine! If you're in, I guess I'm in as well."
"Great, now that's settled." Duke says as the ship lands. We all pile out of the aircraft and walk across the room to an elevator, where General Hawk meets up with us.

We begin to go down an elevator and watch a submarine training session under the hanger.

I've been in the military for a while and I've never seen an operation like this before. How about you two?" Duke asks us. Both Rip and I shake our heads.
"Alright, you trusted me, so I guess I'll trust you. Technically, GI Joe doesn't exist, but if it did, it would have the world's top elite fighting force. When all else fails, we don't." The general explains, and I let out a low whistle.
"What's that?" Rip asks, pointing at a woman who is putting on a camouflage patterned suit. She presses a button on her belt, and gets into a fighting stance as she disappears on the spot. I can feel my eyes widen at the sight.
"Camouflage suit." Heavy states.
"It projects everything behind you and puts it in front of you." Scarlett explains.
"Now, I need to get me one of those." I state bluntly, making Duke groan. "What is it, Duke?"
"You're difficult enough to keep tabs on when you're visible, we don't need you disappearing on us, and then scaring the living shit out of us all because we can't see you. And, knowing you, you'd probably do something like that." He explains, and Rip nods in agreement.
"You have to admit, you're difficult to babysit, Angel." Rip says, glancing at me. I scowl at him, and he laughs, facing forward again.
We walk into a main control room and a hologram of a business man comes out, walking through Ripcord, causing him to freak out a little.
"Lady and gentlemen, this is Mr. McCullen, the creator of these warheads." Hawk introduces.
"General, I clearly should have chosen you for this assignment." McCullen says, angering Duke and myself.
"Hey. My team did everything we could out there, and a lot of good men went down." Duke says, his tone offended. McCullen turns to Duke.
"Yes, but not you." He says in a rude tone. I let out a low growl, catching McCullen's attention.
"Oh, if it isn't the spitfire of the group. Night Angel, right?" He asks.
"Yes." I answer curtly. His eyebrows raise a little as he gets this look of thought, and he slightly nods. He turns to Hawk.
"Be careful with that one," he says, quite loudly. "She can be a dangerous enemy to have. Inform me on your progress with the warheads soon." He disappears as soon as he finished.
Scarlett turns to Breaker, who is working on a laptop in his hands. "Breaker?"
"My sensors were going in all sorts of directions; up, down, left, then right." Breaker says, confused.
"Looks like McCullen's working at an angle he doesn't want us to find." Heavy Duty states. Snake and I share a look.
"I have a bad feeling, Snake." I say in Japanese, making everyone turn to us.
"Me too, Angel. I have a feeling he's in on this as well. I just can't shake it!" Snake replies, also speaking Japanese. His voice has a hint of desperation to it. I look up at him and smile gently.
"If he is, I will be by your side the entire time." I say in a comforting tone. He looks at me, sadness in his eyes, but also hope.
"Promise?" He whispers in English, and I nod.
"Besides," I say in English. "Someone has to save your life every time you fight him."
At my teasing words, Snake laughs, lightening the mood. I see Duke and Rip smirking at me, but I didn't see a certain red haired woman glaring daggers at my back.
"Alright, it seems the warheads are now in my possession, you no longer need to be here." I hear Hawk say to Duke, and my stomach drops. Fear and sadness crosses over Snake's face as he looks to his commander.
"We want in. All three of us." Duke states bluntly.
"You don't ask to be in GI Joe, you get asked." Hawk says, walking away.
"Well, you scoped me out four years ago, now I'm ready." Duke retorts, walking after Hawk. The general turns around to meet him head on. The two men continue to argue for a while, till I spoke up.
"We know her." I say, and all eyes are on me.
"What?" Hawk asks. I look to Duke, who pulls out a picture of Anna four years ago.
"We know her," he begins. "Her name is Anna Lewis, and she used to be a blonde. We can tell you anything you need to know about her, up to that last four years. Since then, let's just say a lot of things have changed."
Hawk looks at me and Rip, and we nod in agreement. A smile breaks out on his face.
"Alright. Your training begins now."


Standing before me, Duke, and Ripcord are metal suits. Behind us, Heavy Duty explains what they are while pacing behind us.
"What's it accelerate?" Ripcord asks, and I tuned in on the instructions.
"You," Heavy says. "Your strength, speed, balance, everything."
"So it would enhance my fighting skills as well?" I ask, merely curious.
"What fighting skills do you mean, besides using a gun?"
"Did you not hear the conversation I had with Breaker before we landed?"
"Actually, I didn't."
"Well, you're in for a surprise." Ripcord mumbles under his breath, and I smirk.
"Let's suit up!" Heavy says.
Once we were in the suits, Heavy Duty continues to explain the suit.
"You think it, it does it." He finishes, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Ripcord looking at pictures of Scarlett on his visor. I chuckle quietly, already knowing how in love with the red haired woman he was.
"Hey, Angel?" Rip inquires, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at him with raised eyebrows, indicating that he had my attention.
"Just out of curiosity, what is your relationship status with the Zen master?"
I look at him, confused. "Who?!"
"You know! Snake Eyes, or whatever his name is." Ripcord's question caught Heavy's attention, and now he was listening intently. I blushed slightly, glaring at Ripcord.
"Why do you ask?" I say cautiously.
"It seems like the two of you are really close. I just want to know."
"I have to admit, you never act like that around anyone, not even us, and we're your best friends." Duke adds.
"And I've never seen Snake Eyes so happy in a while. There is definitely something going on." Heavy says, raising an eyebrow and smirking lightly.
"I might explain later..." I trail off, leaving the room and the questioning men. I ran into Snake Eyes while walking out of the room.
"Hey. Can you help me get out of this thing?" I ask. He smiles slightly at me.
"Yeah, I'll help you." He says, taking off my helmet, then helping me with the rest of the suit. Once I'm out of it, we return it to Heavy, and walk out of the room, smirking at each other.


After the suit of armor, it was time for target shooting in a simulator. In less than five minutes, all twenty of the targets were taken down, and I had dodged some bullets from the enemy. Scarlett's eyes widen and she turns to Snake.
"She's all yours," she says quietly, and Snake smirks at me, motioning for me to follow him.
"Alright, should we do the same old routine?" He asks, looking at me.
"What do you usually do with new recruits?" I ask, and he pulls out two staffs with circular glowing ends, which I can only presume are tasers. I look up at him and smirk.
"Hey, Snake?" A male voice calls out, and we both turn to see a man on a quad rolling up to us. "Why aren't you giving her the suit?"
"This one doesn't need it, unless her skills are very rusty." He replies, looking at me. I think for a minute, then shake my head.
"I might be a bit rusty at first, but then I'll get the hang of it." I say. Snake raises an eyebrow.
"Okay. If you say so..."

Two hours later, Snake and I plop on the sofa in the Alpha team's lounge, both weary from the training.
"Damn, Snake. You wore her out!" I hear Duke exclaim.
"And she's worn him out!" I hear Scarlett add. Snake chuckles a bit, then winced. The Joe on the quad walks in.
"I have never seen Snake taken down before! Much less by a woman! You've got skills, bro!" He says, amazed. Snake looks at him, fear in his eyes.
"What you saw, Jack, was nothing compared to what she can do. She's just a bit rusty right now." He says, patting my head. Irritated, I poke his stomach, making him grunt in pain.
"General on deck!" Heavy calls out. Through the pain, I jump up and stand next to Duke with Ripcord on my other side.
"Duke," Hawk begins. "You scored higher than the average Joe. Welcome to the team. Night Angel, you scored just a little bit higher than Snake Eyes, which is a new record for new recruits. Well done, and welcome to the team.
"Ripcord, if we compare your scores with Duke's, you passed as well. Welcome to the team."
"Thank you, General." I say as I shake Hawk's hand. The boys on either side of me copy my actions, and we all go back to what we were doing.
I walk over to Snake Eyes, who is still lying on the sofa. "I scored higher than you, Snake."
"I kinda expected that to happen." He mumbles, eyes closed. I smile lightly and lift up his head. He groans as I sit down beneath his head, laying it down on my lap.
"Get some sleep, Snake." I say as I stroke his hair. He mumbles something and quickly falls asleep.

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