A Painful Death

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  As soon as the door opens, I shoot down any man in the room. I turn to Snake, smiling like an idiot, then turn back to the controls. He begins giving me instructions.
  "Alright, Angel. You know what to--" Before Snake finishes, he grunts in pain and I hear a body slam onto the ground. I turn around, drawing my swords, to see Storm Shadow standing over a fallen Snake and his apprentice standing behind my brother.
  Before anyone could react, I run the few feet between us, kick my twin in the head so hard he crashes through the glass wall leading to the pulse cannon chamber, and engage in a heated battle with Snow Storm.
  Snake Eyes behind me gets up and goes after Storm Shadow. Snow Storm moves to help her master, then thinks twice about it when I step in front of her. She glares coldly at me. I shift my hands on my sword handles ever so slightly.
  "Come at me, bitch." I say, motioning her to make the first move. She snarls at me, like an animal, and I give her a weird look.
  "Are you part squirrel or something?" I question with a serious face. She blinks at me, confused. In the background, I can hear my partner's pained cries, and I wince. I can also hear my brother's cries as well.
  "No, I am not part squirrel. Or any animal for that matter. Why do you ask?" She asks me, confused. I just shrug, grinning smugly.
  "You just sounded and looked like a squirrel, that's all." I say. Her expression goes from confused to outraged in a mere millisecond. I smirk as she attacks with all her strength, our swords clashing together. After a few minutes, I realize that I'm just toying with her.
  "Ya know what, screw it." I say, blocking Snow Storm's next attack with one sword and bashing the butt of my other sword's handle into her temple, knocking her out cold. I put my swords away and disable the pulse cannon.
  I hear a pained scream and, knowing it was Snake who screamed, rush over to the broken glass window to see Snake lying on the ground directly below me, a knife in his stomach, and my brother advancing on him. I pull out my staff, knowing that I will need it. Pressing a button on a metal stick in my hand, I jump down, landing above Snake's fallen form.
  Lifting up my hand to reveal a long metal staff in it, I glare harshly at my twin. "It ends here, Storm Shadow!" I snarl.
  "It never ends for me, Night Angel! I will always win over him!" My brother growls at me. I smirk at him and he frowns, confused.
  "Then, lucky for him, I will always have his back and save his ass." I say, and charge my brother with my staff.
  Now, my brother and I are more evenly matched against each other than I am with Snow Storm. So after a few minutes of one-on-one with my twin, he knocks my staff out of my hand and it slides towards my fallen partner.
  I draw my swords and get into a ready stance. My brother moves out of a defensive position to circle around me, and I do the same.
  "He took a vow of silence and you left me. Now, he will die without another word, and you will die alone." He says.
  "Who says he's going to die? I will gladly sacrifice myself to save him. And I'm taking you with me!" I scream out the last part and charge at Storm Shadow with rapid strikes from my swords, cutting him here and there.
  He cuts me as well, but not as much as I cut him. Once I hit him a few times, he removes his head piece and shirt, showing his toned chest. I raise an eyebrow.
  "Since when did you work out?" I ask.
  "Since I started teaching my skills to the Baroness and Snow Storm." He answers. I make a little "Ah" sound before attacking him again.
  I cut him on both his legs while he drags his blade across my back. I scream out in pain, and growl at my excuse of a brother. He smirks at me through gritted teeth, and motions for me to attack.
  Knowing that it's a trap, I just stay where I am. Then we both hear a clatter and look to where Snake lays to see the knife that was in him on the ground next to him. I turn back to my brother, who has an evil grin on his face.
  "He's slowly getting weaker and weaker by the minute. Better act fast, dear sister, before he---" Before Storm Shadow could finish his sentence, I rush at him, driving one of my hidden knives into his stomach. I feel my brother inhale sharply at the pain, and he grabs my arm. I look him in the eye, sadness in mine.
  "Before you die a painful death. I'm sorry, brother." I whisper to him. Understanding crosses my brother's face, and he removes himself from my knife.
  "Sister..." he whispers, forgiveness laced into his tone. I feel my eyes tear up and I blink, feeling one trace down my cheek.
  Before I could catch him, my brother falls backwards, into the icy water below us. I watch him fall, my expression changing from pain to sadness.
  "Goodbye, brother." I whisper to myself, hoping that he dies quickly.

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