Narrow Escape

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I run over to Snake and pull him into my lap. I begin stroking his soft hair slowly, hoping that it would wake him up.
Sure enough, his eyes slowly open. I sigh in relief. "Hey."
"Hey," he replies, then frowns. "Storm Shadow?"
I look down. "Dead."
Snake Eyes lifts up his hand and places it on my chin, moving it so our eyes meet. He has a pained look in his eyes, but also sorrow. I sigh and help him up.
"We have to get going. This place could blow, knowing Rex would stop at nothing to kill us." I say, throwing his arm over my shoulder. He grunts in response, too weak to reply.
I haul him up into the pulse cannon control room and half-drag-half-carry him through the door and out into the hallway. I see Duke carrying Anna a little down the hall at the far end.
"Duke! Wait up!" I scream catching his attention.
"Angel! Are you both alright?" Duke asks.
"I'm fine. Snake, on the other hand, not so much. Where are you going?" I ask as Snake and I catch up to him.
"Escape subs. Rex got away with McCullen." Duke says, shifting Anna in his arms.
"You mean he's trying to get away. Not letting him go, are you? It isn't like you to let people get away." I say as we begin running down the hallway again. Duke looks over at me.
"Fair enough. Let's go!"
I smirk as I see one sub left. "Come on." I say, dragging Snake with me. I can hear Duke behind us as we board the sub.
I lay Snake down on one of the beds in the sub and motion for Duke to take the controls.
"I might need ya to get us out, Angel."
"Yeah, well, Snake needs me more at the moment. So shut up and get to those controls!" I shout at him. He mock salutes me and sits in the seat. I roll my eyes at him and continue bandaging Snake's wounds. He would wince every once in a while, but doesn't complain.
"Almost done, almost done." I tell him softly as I finish wrapping the wound around his waist. He sighs in relief and I give him some painkillers.
"Angel! I need you up here, NOW!!!" Duke screams. I roll my eyes and get up. I look at Snake, and he nods for me to go to the front. I rush up to the front.
"What is it?" I demand as we narrowly miss a falling chunk of ice.
"That!" He says, exasperated. I roll my eyes and shove him out of the seat, taking the controls.
"Everyone, HANG ON!" I scream so Snake could hear me. I barely hear a "oh god" from Snake in the back before I do wild flips and dives to avoid the falling chunks of ice mixed with steel.
"What the hell is going on?!" I demand.
"Rex blew the polar ice cap. It's the reason for all these chunks of ice and steel." Anna explains.
"Oh. Well, ain't that a bitch." I say, dodging another chunk of ice, and I hear Snake laugh behind me.
"You're suppose to be resting, not moving around!" I scream at him.
"Sorry if I'm concerned about you. You have a few injuries as well, Angel."
"I'll check on those when we're out of here. Now sit down!" I order and, to my surprise, Snake obeys.
After a few minutes, I finally see the way out. "There! Almost through!"
"Hurry, Angel!" Anna cries, and I accelerate to top speed, barely getting crushed by a chunk of ice. I sigh and lean back in the seat.
Over the comlink I hear "This is Scarlett, Breaker and I are clear, but I don't know about Snake Eyes or Night Angel."
Smirking, I press the button, "This is Night Angel; I have Snake Eyes and Duke, we're clear."
"Go Joes! Haha!" I hear Heavy Duty laugh. I smile and turn to Duke.
"Still something we have to do, Angel." Duke says gravely, and my smile vanishes instantly, replaced with a scowl.
"Let's go." I say, and turn the sub around the corner to see Rex's submarine sitting there, one engine blown to bits. I look at Duke and he smirks. We pull up to face the sub head on, and Duke comlinks it.
"This is Sergeant Duke Houser." Duke says.
"You're relentless Duke, I'll give you that." I hear Rex say, and I growl. Snake's hand is instantly on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"We're taking you in, Rex." Duke says and Rex laughs on the other end.
"We're taking you in? Who's we?" He demands. I smirk and lean forward.
"Guess who, asshole." I say.
"Ooh. Hello, Evalyn. When was the last time you used your real name?"
"So that's your real name, Angel?" I hear Scarlett ask. I growl into the comlink.
"Uh oh. We have one pissed off ninja in the sub. Choose your words wisely, Rex, or she'll blow." Duke warns.
"You said that you were going to take me in. Well, you and what army, Duke and Lyn?"
Duke and I look at each other and smirk.
"Our army." We say simultaneously, and the giant Joe submarine appears behind us.

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