ROWYSO 8-30-15

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5sos are coming to New Jersey (my state) real soon and being the poor poop I am, am unable to go.

Bro lower your concert tickets prices for people like me please, okay thanks.

Even One Direction came on August 5th, and I was ABOUT TO go with my friend because she oh so kindly invited me to go with her and her mom. However, my dear mother thought it was "too dangerous" and "you dont know what kinds of people will be there". So I had to bail on this great opportunity to go to a concert of one of my favorite artists for free!!

Even Kristin went to a concert in Irvine for 5sos, which she also invited me to go along with, but my family couldnt afford to pay a flight ticket to got California. Kristin took her other friend, who doesn't even like 5sos that much.

If your going to the concert on August 30th in Holmdel, sneak me in yo alright??

( * __*, )

Neigh Neigh horsey

- Mell

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