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Hey, sorry baes I haven't updated in a while, I don't have wifi rn, so I am currently at my cousins




I have classes with people who I've never even heard of their name before!

My gym class really suck because prdtty much all of the *bleeping noise* white girls are in my vlass, the ones that complain about getting sweaty. I also have a couple of my god gal and guy friends, then there's my "friend" whom I have known since we were like 1 years old...? She's so clingy and she usually doesn't/won't let me talk to anyone besides her, so i usually walk away from her.

I know Im a terrible person but at least Im not saying to her face "I don't like you, leave me alone", trust me, the one time I did, she obviously didn't listen to me!

And my town, has a very large Jewish population (Im not even a Jew), so we get a lot of days off of school for holidays, therefore I see less of my classmate yay

Sooooo, this is gonna be short one cuz some people have homework! (When i wrote this part i just got wifi back lol)

I'll try to survive school tomorrow

Bye, AcaB****es

( ^ - ^ ) /

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