Summer Reading Assignments

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Why do schools give us homework over the summer? They're just ruining the point of having no school over the summer.

I have to read a book about a Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture, basically about him), a dead guy's cancer life and what he did before he died. He gave a speech called "Really Acheiving Your Childhood Dreams" like I'm still a child, I still dream.

It was pretty short, but it was very long at the same time...? Like it was written so formally and it made me want to cringe.

So after reading, I had to write a one page overview of what my Last Lecture would be about, answer 7 questions and it has to be at least half a page each, to draw a Dream Wall and describe every single item on it, and write a mini paragraph to go along with every single life goal I have.

And now schools in 14 days, I'm screwed.


Yeah, Imma work on it right now and probably just sit there for 3269543 hours coming up with one sentence.

Kay bæs

Adíos, till' the next frustrating time (everyday)

-Mel :-)

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