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Ever since June 2005, millions of people have fallen in love with the world of demigod Percy Jackson, a dyslexic (not to mention ADHD and accident-prone) son of Poseidon. The hero who let a villain save Olympus, after many shocking and heart-tugging events that created a long legacy and memories for everyone who followed his story.

And the followup series, the Heroes of Olympus, only extended our love for our favorite demigods (not to mention satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs) and initiated our love for many more. And in the end: the very end, when the Blood of Olympus was shed, we witnessed every ending and every plot-twisting event that shocked some of us and brought others to Tartarus.

Although Rick Riordan created the story of Percy Jackson, and Christopher Columbus brought it to life, much to our disappointment, we are the ones who kept it alive, writing and blogging on countless social networks and even forming new friendships over mutual interest over this intriguing, myth-filled fantasy.

We, the PJO Community, believe the adventures should never end, that Percy Jackson and his friends should be mentioned frequently for the rest of time. We believe that Seaweed Brain, Wise Girl, and many more should live in our hearts forever, and they will help us whenever we may need them.

Here, in the PJO Community, we will be memorializing the amazing fanfictions revolving around Percy Jackson and his friends, along with the eras and universes they have supplied us. Each chapter will be dedicated to the amazing author of that particular story, for all their hard work, dedication, and most important, perserverance. It's not easy being a writer like this, but these authors keep writing and keep believing, even when times are tough.

That's one good philosophy Hera taught all of us.

Every week, we will choose a different fanfiction in the hope that at least one will spark your interest and the story will get the praise and recognition it deserves.

We also ask something from you, reader.

Either in the comments of this book or in our private message section, we ask you to reccomend any good fanfictions revolving around PJO or HoO to post on here, stories that you've read and loved and hope that this community will share that love.

We hope that, together, we can keep the many quests and adventures of Percy Jackson alive and we hope you can help us in doing so.

In All Your Demigodishness,
The PJO and HoO Community


- No fanfics over 50K reads. The purpose of this book is recognize stories that aren't very widely known in this community.

- Please do not reccomend your own story. Let other people be noticed first, and hopefully somebody will recognize your story and reccomend it!

- Please do not hate on other people's fanfictions. This is a place of love and mutual respect, and you know what will go down if two people in Camp Half-Blood have more than just "friendly competition".

Percy Jackson Fanfic of The WeekWhere stories live. Discover now