Chapter one - the perfect seat

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I walked in the classroom and felt 26 pairs of eyes turn to look at me.

“Ah, you must be Anna”, A lady with a short frizzy hair walked over to me, her scrawny body looked as if it was about collapse in front of me, her face was coated  in foundation and her clothes resembled a jester , she didn’t look like a teacher at all. “I’m Mrs Malone”, she turned to look at her class “Get back to work!”, she ordered them.

“Come and take a seat”, she scuttled me across the class room while her eyes searched the room like a hawk for a seat, She eventually stopped beside a desk at the end of the room. “Ah, here we are, you can sit next to Damien, I trust you won’t be staring at him all day instead of  learning, like all the other girls do when they had the opportunity”, she snorted. At that moment about a dozen girls turned around from their seat to scowl at me, I had a feeling I wouldn’t get along with them after this incident.

Mrs Malone went back to teaching the class and Damien finally looked up to see me. I caught his gaze. I immediately sank in to his eyes, they were as blue as the deepest ocean, his pale skin was smoothed out to perfection and his hair was pale brown. I realized why no one could concentrate whilst sitting next to something so flawless.

“I’m Damien”, He grinned displaying his perfect row of pearls. It felt suddenly impossible to not be attached to him.

“Anna”, I finally found the courage to whisper back.

“Nice to meet you”, he looked back down at his work again and I turned to look at mine, I began to wonder if I would actually make a friend today.

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