Chapter two - lonely lunch

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Lunch break came around and yet there was no one in the school who I was familiar with, yet alone, friends with.

I opened my lunch box to see what my mum packed for me, on the top of the lunch box was a note stuck to the lid reading “Happy first day , Love Mum X” I despised petty notes, the note simply had no meaning. Mom was always at work, when did she have the time to wish me the best of luck? I peeled the sticky note off, scrunched it up and flung it across the lunch hall where it ultimately landed in the bin. I didn’t realise hurling a scrunched piece of paper could bring two minutes of fame, for at that moment the whole lunch hall seemed to be applauding at something, it didn’t take long to realise it was me who they were clapping and screaming “Great Shot!” at.

 Many people asked me to sit with them at lunch for tomorrow but I didn’t understand what the fuss was about sitting in lunch groups, I mean it’s just a table right? And I just threw a piece of paper; it’s hardly worth showing off about. I answered a maybe to everyone’s lunch invitations which left them hoping for a yes and turned back to my own lunch whilst sitting on a bench at the end of the lunch hall.

I looked around the room to see different groups of friends all joined together on a table: there were football players on one table, basketball players on another, Girls who treasured their appearance and other mixed groups. The moment my eyes stopped searching the room a loud cough was heard, I fixed my eyes on the exact position from where it came from and there he was…

Damien was sitting just a few spaces away from me but we were practically on the same bench! I felt my stomach lurch for a moment, I couldn’t help feel an urge to touch his pale skin and just sink into his eyes once more. I suddenly realised he was alone, the most perfect guy in year 10, alone…

I held my breath for a second and started to slowly pace myself towards him,

“Hey Man!”  Jamie Elliot from our class, swung his hand towards Damien to whack his backbone, in a sudden second, Damien dodged the manly greeting and ducked his head so that Jamie’s hand ended up sweeping air. Jamie looked confused for the minute and had to blink twice to realise Damien’s sudden change in position, “Good dodge Man!” he smirked with a slight bit of shock on his face. Damien grinned back but didn’t reply and speed-walked out of the lunch hall silently. I realised that my feet were trying to follow him but I steered myself towards the bin so it didn’t look obvious. 

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