Chapter 3

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"Damn, the new bartender sure is hot," Ed noted as he sat down in front of Taylor, a beer in hand, "Makes up for the fact that she doesn't know our drinking habits, don't you think?"

The blonde shrugged in response, "I guess. Her name is Karlie, by the way."

Ed stared at Taylor surprised, maybe even slightly amused. "Look who just learned a girl's name." He was teasing the older girl now, seeming to find something thoroughly entertaining about the whole situation.

She simply shrugged dismissingly, "Like you said, she's the bartender. We're going to be seeing a lot of her."

"Oh yeah? What was the old bartender's name?" The ginger asked smirking.

"Harrold." Taylor answer confidently, matching his smirk. She wasn't sure what Ed was trying to prove, but she was set on proving him wrong.

"It was Harry," his smirk grew, meanwhile, Taylor's fell flat. "He worked here for two years, T."

"Oh who cares, he left." If there was something she didn't like, it was losing. And it was starting to feel like a game. One which Ed knew all the rules and strategies to, and Taylor was playing blindly, being steered only by her stubborn and competitive nature. And right now, Ed was winning.


"Hello, everyone. My name is Ed, and I'll be playing some songs for you."

The blonde watched as her redheaded friend started strumming the strings of his guitar, building up the song with loop pedal. Almost everyone in the bar had turned to watch him perform, and the ones that hadn't at first, sure did once they heard his voice. Taylor loved watching him perform, the way he looked down at the ground, getting lost in the song, seeming to forget all about the crowds. Yet, the crowds were always so captivated by Ed; they never forgot him.

Taylor watched Ed play song after song, some slow, some more upbeat, loving each more than the last if that was possible, until he was done. He gave the crowd one last wave before getting off the stage, everyone applauding him, with a few drunks screaming louder than necessary.

The blonde got up from her seat and made her way towards the bar to pay for their drinks while Ed got his gear. When Karlie noticed her approaching, she smiled happily at the blonde. It made Taylor wonder if the girl knew any emotion other than happy.

"Another beer?" Karlie asked as the blonde got closer.

Taylor quickly shook her head, "Just came to pay for the drinks. Mine and Ed's." She added that last part as an afterthought, remembering the girl was new. Of course she didn't know that whomever was paying, would always pay for the both of them. And, more often than not, the blonde was the one paying.

"The guy that just performed?" Karlie wonder excitedly, Taylor simply nodding her head in response. "He was really good. Does he want to be a singer?"

"Yeah." Taylor took out her wallet as the girl handed her the bill, though she didn't need to. The blonde had been going to that bar long enough to know all the prices to everything, even the things she never bought.

"That's nice. I'm not the only one with big dreams here," a hopeful smile on her face.

The blonde gave her a small, tightlipped smile as she handed over the money, their hands briefly touching.

"What about you? Any crazy dreams you're working towards accomplishing?" Karlie asked innocently, a smile still plastered on her face.

"Not really." Taylor said as she leaned against the bar, deciding to wait for Ed there.

"You're not much for talking, are you?" The blonde simply shrugged, which caused Karlie to throw her head back laughing, her laugh was light as air. Taylor couldn't help but smile at the sound of it.

"Well that's done with," the girls' conversation was suddenly interrupted by a cheerful British voice, "What did you think?" Ed was now standing next to Taylor, looking at her.

"It was good." Ed looked at her curiously, he wasn't used to such undetailed answers from the blonde. She'd usually be giving him a lyric by lyric, riff by riff breakdown, whenever she heard one of his new songs. Her analyses always excitable, but brutally honest.

For the first time, Ed noticed the brunet behind the counter, quickly realizing the reason behind Taylor's conciseness.

"Hello!" He was looking at Karlie, a polite smile on his face.

"Hi, I loved your performance, by the way. Yours was the best one tonight."

"Thanks! That was the goal." Ed glanced at the blonde, "You ready to go?" It was weird for him to ask that, he had become so used to calling a taxi right about now. But Taylor had kept her promise, like she always did.

Karlie watched as the blonde nodded, standing up vertically from her previous leaning position. Her hand reached inside her jacket, retrieving a pack of cigarettes. She felt as if she'd been staring for too long, but she couldn't seem to stop. There was something about the blonde girl that made it hard to look away. She wondered if there was anything between the blonde and Ed, or if she was single. Of course, she knew that was the last thing she of all people should be thinking about.

Those icy blue eyes caught Karlie staring at her, the brunet could feel the heat rising to her face, but the girl didn't comment on it. Instead she started making her way towards the door with Ed following closely behind, "It was nice meeting you, Karlie."

Karlie smiled at the girl, "You too..." It wasn't until that moment that she realized she had never gotten the blonde's name. She wondered if that had been intentional, or if the blonde had simply forgotten to mention it, Karlie definitely had forgotten to ask. Either way, she was sure that soon enough she would know her name.

N/A: All the feedback has been amazing! Thank you so much. Xx.

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