Chapter 12

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Taylor couldn't help but feel nervous as with every step she and Ed took, they came closer to the bar's door. It had been almost two weeks since she had been there, two weeks since she had seen Karlie. She had finally admitted to herself that she had, indeed, been avoiding Karlie when, after finishing talking to her brother, she noticed two messages from the younger girl. It had only brought her more stress to her already stressful day. The more she avoided her the more awkward it got, and the more awkward it got the more desperate Taylor felt to avoid her. She wasn't even sure why she avoided her in the first place, she had already seen her after sleeping with her once and things were fine, so why was she so reluctant the second time around? She didn't know, all she knew was that every cell in her body told her to keep away from Karlie.

Taylor sighed before grabbing hold of Ed making him stop walking, knowing that if there was someone that could calm her down right now it would be him.

"I'm scared," she told him honestly, she had never felt the need to put up a front around him.

Ed looked at her confused, "What are you scared of mate? I swear, what I'm performing tonight won't suck that much."

Taylor took a deep breath, thinking of a way to explain herself to Ed. "I've um... I'm scared to see Karlie," she said carefully. "I don't really keep in touch with the people I sleep with. I'm not sure how to act?"

Ed rolled his eyes and threw an arm around Taylor, forcing them to keep moving. "You seemed fine around that Martha chick just last week."

"That was different," Taylor said with a sigh, "Karlie is my friend."

Ed kept looking forward as they walked, a smile on his features, not saying anything else. Instead he tightened his hold on Taylor as if to encourage her.

"Do you really need me to be here? Can't you just call me when you need me to pick you up?" Taylor asked as she tried to get out of Ed's hold.

"You never answer your phone," Ed said easily, letting go of Taylor, "You're coming with me."

The blonde sighed, giving up as she followed after Ed.


Karlie couldn't help the smile that took over her features when she saw Taylor walking through the door with Ed. Despite her excitement, however, a small part of her felt nervous. She hadn't talked to the blonde in a while, she had tried texting her, but she got no response. A part of her felt as though Taylor had been avoiding her. She had seen Ed a few times in the last two weeks, one of those times she had caved in and tried to casually ask him about Taylor's whereabouts. He had simply shrugged and said she hadn't felt like coming.

She was serving a tall man a drink when she saw Ed whisper something to Taylor, causing her to glare at him as he walked away towards the stage, sporting a smirk. Karlie quickly looked away when she saw Taylor turn towards her, focusing her attention to the customer in front of her. From the corner of her eye she saw Taylor take a seat on one of the bar's stools, Karlie smiled to herself before turning her attention towards her.

"Long time, no see," Karlie hoped she wouldn't make things awkward with her comment, she was never sure with Taylor.

Taylor gave her a small smile, "Yeah."

Karlie couldn't help but feel disappointed by her response, she had been hoping for an explanation, something to assure her it had all been in her head and the blonde hadn't actually been avoiding her. And then she felt stupid, of course Taylor wasn't going to give her an explanation. If there was one thing that she learned about the blonde in the short time she had known her was that she never explained herself. Hell, it was hard enough to get her to say more than a one word at a time.

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