Chapter 13

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Taylor gripped the bed sheets tightly, throwing her head back as she moaned in pleasure. She couldn't help but moan Karlie's name as her high quickly approached her, silently praying the model wouldn't stop.

Thankfully for her, Karlie didn't stop until Taylor rode out her orgasm, making her way up the blonde's body after feeling her relax under her.

"How was that?" Karlie asked, a ridiculously smug grin decorating her face. Taylor simply rolled her eyes as Karlie cuddled up to her.

As they laid there quietly trying to slow down their beating hearts, Taylor's mind couldn't help but wonder to her family. She was set to fly out to see them in less than two weeks, and to say she was dreading it would be an understatement. The blissful, relaxed state she had been in just moments ago disappeared in seconds.

Karlie felt Taylor's mood change, placing her chin on the blonde's chest to look at her, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just stressed," Taylor said, trying to physically relax herself.

"Oh-uh, that's not what you want to hear after sex," Karlie joked, bringing a small smile to Taylor's lips. "So what's got you all stressed?"

"Oh, you know, just family." Taylor said, subconsciously placing her arm lightly around Karlie.

Karlie let out a humorless laugh, "Oh yeah I know a thing or two about that."

Taylor couldn't help but smirk, "Really? You strike me as the type that has a close relationship with your family."

"I usually do," Karlie admitted, "but things have been a bit rocky since I moved to LA. They don't particularly agree with my choice of career. They would rather me do something with my degree." Karlie sighed, every time she called her parents the conversation somehow turned to this topic. Karlie knew they were simply worried, wanting their daughter to have a comfortable job with a stable job, but she still felt annoyed at their constant nagging. "It's like they don't believe in me."

"I know it probably doesn't mean much coming from me, but I believe in you." Karlie couldn't help but smile at that. It actually meant a lot.

"So what's you're big problem with your family?" Taylor said nothing and simply smiled. "Oh come on, I showed you mine, it's only fair you show me yours."

Taylor smirked for a moment before sighing, "They want me to celebrate 4th of July with them."

"And that's bad because..?"

"I haven't seen them in years so I'm kind of dreading the whole thing," Taylor admitted. "They really care about appearances so having a gay daughter was out of the question."

Karlie frowned, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, it's my own for even agreeing to going," Taylor said, rolling her eyes at herself.

"You could always cancel," Karlie suggested.

Taylor had thought about that many times in the last few days but she missed her brother too much, so she was gonna suck it up for him. "I can't." She said simply, giving no more explanation.

Before Karlie could reply, her body betrayed her with a yawn. Work and her activities with Taylor had really taken a toll on her. "I should probably get going," she said as she sat up, stretching her limbs. From the two times she had sex with Taylor she had gathered that the blonde didn't particularly enjoy sharing a bed. She didn't mind, really, it's not like they were dating after all.

She had almost brought up the topic of their particular relationship earlier but chickened out. Acknowledging that there was something happening would be admitting that she was actively cheating on her boyfriend. Right now keeping the lines blurred worked just fine for her.

"I'll take you," Taylor answered, getting out of bed in search of her clothes. A drive would help her clear her mind.


With Taylor too deep in her own thoughts and Karlie too tire to talk, they spent most of the drive to Karlie's apartment in comfortable silence, it wasn't until they arrived that Karlie broke the silence.

"Thanks for the ride. And your wonderful muffins. Try not to disappear for too long this time will you." She smiled lightly as she reached for the handle.

"Goodnight, Karlie."

"Goodnight, Taylor."

Taylor watched Karlie as she got out of the car and approached her apartment building, not leaving until she was through the door. Her previous worries about seeing Karlie again after two weeks had practically disappeared once she was in the model's presence. But now that Karlie was gone again, all her doubts came back in waves, it was as if everything in her being was desperately waving a red flag, telling her to keep her distance.

Being with Karlie was easy, and that scared the crap out of Taylor. The last time she had ignored her gut she had only ended with a shattered heart, and she had promised herself to never put herself in that situation ever again. Her heart was urging her to run away, to stop whatever this was, to protect herself, but she just didn't know how.

AN: HELLO! Long time, no see! (that's my fault). Sorry about kind of ignoring this fic for like 9 months now, I know that's frustrating as a reader (trust me I KNOW) but I kind of lost interest in Kaylor since nothing was really happening, so I just moved to other ships and reading all the fanfiction. But I'm back! And I'm determined to finish this fic, so please just bear with me. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter (very short, sorry, I have to start getting used to writing again), and if you notice any inconsistencies with this and the rest of the story please please please  let me know, I want to fix that.


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