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Akito's POV





"Shut up." I mumbled.


I hit the alarm clock and sighed as I sat up. I picked the clock to see it was 6am. 6am in the morning. I'm going back to bed.

I was about to lay back in bed when I remembered something. I sat up and jumped out of bed. I'm late!!! I'm late again!!!

I grabbed a dark brown and light brown stripped tank top, a loose pink sweat, a pair of black shorts, no different pair of socks, and ran into the bathroom. I can't believe I'm going to be late again?!!

I quickly brushed my teeth and looked at the mirror. "Urg, I can't believe I'll be late for the open ceremony for collage. Hi, my name's Akito Ayama. I'm thirteen year old and a genius, but even if I'm an genius my parents don't even recognize me. I will always be in my sisters' shadows. Well, anyways I'm starting college today and apparently I'm late or the opening ceremony.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. My hair is a total mess.

I took a hair brush and combed it down. I braided two parts of my hair and put a bow on the ends. I looked at myself in the mirror before getting out of the bathroom and grabbing my backpack. I ran downstairs and saw my parents. I was going to say hi to them when,"Mom! Dad! Guess what I'm graduating High School this year." My big sister said.

I sighed and let it go. They'll never notice me will they.

"Great job Rika! Akito, why can't you be more like your sister?"


"No buts young lady."

I turned away and went down to put my shoes on. Once my shoes where on I walked out of the house. But, I'm in college today. Didn't you guys know that? I gave you the papers and everything. You even signed all those papers for me to go to college.

My incredible happy mood turned into a gloomy one as I walked to the University of Tokyo. Why don't my parents notice me. I graduated High School last year and they weren't even there to see me get my diploma.

I sighed once more and pulled out my iPod. You see my parents don't want me to have a phone until I make it to high school, so they gave me a iPod instead. I went into my wattpad and started to read my Fanfiction. Why can't I be in the anime like in these books. If I got to choose what anime I want to be in, I would probable pick Naruto. It's all about ninjas and I memorized all of the hand signs shown on the show and movies.

"Hey little girl watch out!!" I snapped out of my thought when I saw a car coming my way. My eyes widen and the last thing I remember is the pain that surrounded my body.

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