basic intro

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Welcome to my story if I should call it that it's being written by me and my friends so you'll find a lot of 'I drew my card' and 'Yukato held his bakugan'

Later on I will be introducing ZAVIER SUMMONING or call it Nova summoning.

Lumire powered up give u a Zavier 

Zavier combined give you a mega zavier

New forms of summoning were created like lumire (lum-year) which use chargers and lumire are of colour code:light blue

Zavier are of colour code: red.

Chargers are like tuners but before you lumire summon one It can either be two chargers with a non or charger and a non charger same as tuning.  :-D

Lumire monsters come in classes 

F-class →E-class→Dclass→C-class→B-class→A-class.

The is the S-class forbidden class.

Thanks for reading:-)

For the Baku Gan its pretty much the same a in the series.

YU-GI-OH! ZENOVERSE. with a little bit of BAKUGANWhere stories live. Discover now