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"Wow" she said. "That's a whole lot of sqampy".  "I know" I replied. "With sqaishey there I'm out of the picture." "Why didn't you tell Nichole". Amy asked.  "We are not probably yet girlfriend and boyfriend" I said. "Oh" said Amy." Well why don't you talk to him? Man to man. cat to squid!!".

"Your right!" I said. Suddenly my phone beeped to remind me to make the next sky island episode! "Look amy, sorry but I gotta go". "It's ok" I think my viewers are due a random land of love today anyways". bye!!  As I walked
off I saw her glance back in my direction, but I kept going. 

I had a weird feeling that when I got home something bad would happen, but I called myself an idiot and kept walking, but I didn't know what was waiting ahead. And it was bad

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