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I shook my head at Sqaishey. She was trying to start a conversation about being gone, forgetting and remembering. She has not stopped wondering about what happened.

She left posts in the newspaper and put ads on Facebook. I suggested therapy if she was seriously desperate, but she put it on the 'last resorts' list. Sqaishey was the most curious person ever! If she wasn't as clumsy and ditsy she would be very clever.

She took him everywhere around long and Hampshire. She even brought him to Cornwall. She toured him everywhere, asking "Do you remember?" and "Do u recognise."

I told her to forget it and think about the wedding. She was owed one, and the problem was Stampy. She worried and fussed over him like he was a young baby starting to walk.

Everyone agreed. Amy and Nicole decided to bring her on a girls night and Me and Braidan (Finball) would bring stampy on a lads night.

What could go wrong??


Hey ma fellow sqampy + the squid fans. Want more updates??
Just comment below!

Also read my other story's

Devils and Angels
Holes-a sqampy story

Two_mac_fans is my account on insta. Please get me to hundred by Christmas! I'm on 60 something at the moment!

Katie OUT!

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