Shine bright like a diamond

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Me, Amy, sqaishey and stampy deicided we would go to a party late at night. When the time came we had the perfect outfits. We all hopped in my car and went to club Shine bright like a diamond!! It was awesome!! Lights were flash and the music was raging!!!! We all kinda split up. I was chatted up by 5 different girls!! But I turned them down. Tonight I was gonna ask Amy out. We all had a lot of drinks so we were all ditsy. Amy was chatting up pne of the pillars on the wall. Stampy was in the middle of the floor break dancing. I was kissing my drink cause I thought it was my girlfriend. I didn't even have one at the moment. Sqaishey was not in the mood for talking. All she did was quack at people. I swear that night was crazy. So crazy that sqaishey chatted me up because she taught I was Bruce Willis. I have absolutely no idea where she heard that. Stampy went home early. Amy brought him home because he pretended to be the DJ. I decided I would bring sqaishey home. I was pretty tired myself. When I arrived at her house I had to lead her up to the door. She kept moaning about how she wanted to go back to the party. But then she kissed me on cheek and then my lips. As I drove home I made and oath that I would never tell anyone about the kiss. "I swear". I said.

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