One year later

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Stampy came to me one day and said,"Should I propose??" "Ehhh... don't ask me I don't even have a girfriend". I said. "I thought it would be a good present because she came 5th in Xfactor". He replied. I gave him one of my confused looks and walked off. Suddenly I had a sneaky plan. I called Sqaishey over. "Why don't you propose to stamps" I said. "Ok I still have my moms engagement ring.".That night stampy called me up. "SQUID I WILL KILL YOU". "Aww that's a bit mean now mate." I grinned. I was pretty sure it was about the engagement ring. "Sqaishey proposed at the exact same time as me!!" "This is so funny, Stampy who is wearing what ring??" "Sqaisheys wearing my mothers ring." I laughed and told him I had to go so I put down the phone. Then I heard a door bell. It was lashing raining and late at night so I didn't know who it was. I opened the door and standing outside was Nichole.
She looked at me. She was soaking wet like she had a shower with her clothes on. We stared at each other for ages. Suddenly we kissed it felt warm, (It's a figure of speech she was freezing!!) It felt right.

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