Where are you

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tpassed and there was no sign of stampy. We all missed him, but sqaishey acted like a piece of her was missing. She started drinking more late at night and woke up with a headache and a bed temper. Only the girls could talk to her without being shouted at. Her videos were boring and she only posted once or twice a week. We called her mom and dad but they didn't make a difference. Yesterday I went back to the crime scene, but still no evidence. I started to hang around with her more, so she didn't feel guilty. I know the lion king backwards!!!!! I realised why stampy fell in love with sqaishey. They are so alike  Seriously the puns, the quirkiness and the mood. When the internet shut off for 24hrs, she nearly died Same thing with stampy. They laugh the same way. (It freaks me out). Sqaishey was still quite stressed but she got better everyday. One night she came home skipping and giving me hugs every 5 seconds but I think that's because she was drinking. Sqaishey took over stampy's channel and occasionally I would be in a video. We were thinking of starting a new video on a lion king map. Then one day the phone rang. She clicked the speaker button. "Is this Beth bates?". She frowned but agreed. "I think I found your fiancé".

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