The little mermaid

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I woke up with a big pain in my head. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible. I went downstairs and made myself some tea and sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Suddenly Stampy walked in. "what do you want??". I moaned. "Sqaishey and Amy are having girl time so I thought we could have boy time. "Sure I said and moved over on the couch so he could sit down. "Up for a challenge?". "Bring it on!" He said and we turned on the Xbox are started playing. We played it for two whole hours until sqaishey called stampy to come over and record super happy fun time. So I was alone until I decided I should call Amy. She said she would love to come over. I ran upstairs and had a quick shower. I got dressed and ran downstairs to clean up a little. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. And then I heard someone singing do you wanna build a snowman through my letter box. "Amy!!" I said then opening the door to let her in. "Hello!" She said cheerily and walked in straight past me. "Wanna play some Xbox?" "Sure". We made a new survival world and had so much fun until our remotes went dead. We smiled at each other but then I looked at the time. It was late. "Want a beer?" "Ok!!". We had a fair few drinks and a great laugh. Then she kissed me. I kissed her back until we were making out. Everything else was a blur until I remember going asleep.

The next morning

I woke up and looked beside me. Amy was there. I got up and put a dressing gown on and went downstairs to make breakfast. Amy came down not to long after me and turned on the TV. I brought in homemade pancakes with strawberries on top. I turned on the TV and we watched the little mermaid together. We sang under the sea as loud as we could. I was surprised the neighbours didn't pop in!!! And we acted out every scene as well. We had great fun but she had to go. I gave her a kiss goodbye as went out the door. I smiled at her when she got in the taxi and waved until she was out of sight. then I went inside and said, "BEST DAY EVER"

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