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Jade Williams: Typical girl that went under the radar at high school. 16 years old and  never had a boyfriend, never had a real best friend until recently and has most definitely never even talked to the Populars; the people that basically run the school of Redbank High. Just like your typical story line theres the stunning girls and the stunning boys, all destined to have pointless relationships with each other jumping from person to person until all combinations are used and then recycling again for good thought because heaven forbid they should drop down to the average class of people that are just too below them to date. You see my annoyance here? its like there's different species in this one zoo and some unspoken but sacred rule that there is no interbreeding.

This all changed the moment the golden boy of the grade, Connor Millar made eye contact with me.

From then I knew shit was about to go down and i was going to be right in the middle of it. Completely against my own will i might add. but things aren't all as they seem and it can be hard to move forward when there is so many things from the past that are yet to catch up with you.

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