Chapter Four: getting it started

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As I'm still thinking about how I'm going to dig myself out of this mess I've made, I get snapped out of my thoughts by the thump of Casey pushing Connor back by the chest.

Uh, Oh

"Casey, what are you doing?" I say running over, sliding my arm between her and Connor, who, understandably, looks pretty shocked. Casey is always the calm and collected one with the witty comments rather than the physical threats. At least to everyone else.

"You cannot be serious Jade. This jackass? He's the school's player and you're one of the school's most respected girls! What are you doing?" I look from her to Connor who's doing a good job of looking upset at Casey's outburst.

"Casey it's okay. I can handle myself" I say, still thinking about a way to convince her this is for real

"This is far from okay! He is going to take your heart and smash it into a million pieces as soon as he realizes you won't put out! He's a jerk and you know it!" She yells

"Casey you don't understand okay. You need to trust that I know myself here, and I do. I can handle myself" I give her a look that says please drop it and thankfully she does.

"Jade. I will be there for you WHEN he breaks your heart. But WHEN it happens, I'll be telling you 'I told you so' the whole time" she says in a matter-of-fact tone and with that, she stalks off inside shrugging off any of the pampering girls grilling her for gossip.

I turn to Connor who has now plastered a smirk on his face. I glare at him so hard I think I might strain an eye muscle but at least it wipes the smirk off his face, replaced instead by a confused look.

"What?" He asks, looking genuinely confused.

"What!? Are you seriously not seeing what just happened!? I just lied to my best friend. That may not mean a lot to me but she is practically my sister and has always been there for me and I just broke that for you to prove your not a player when you're actually the biggest one in school! This is ridiculous. I can't believe I actually agreed to this stupid charade" I'm so mad at him right now words can't even describe.

"Woah okay calm down. It's all good. We can pull this off." He says , taking hold of my shoulders. He gives me a small smile, and actual smile not the usual smirk he normally has but a smile and says again "Thank you, Jade. This really means a lot. I hope you understand that" and with that, he takes my hand in mine and leads me into the cafeteria and into the barrage of people wanting to know exactly how the school teachers pet had ended up with the player.


Thanks guys! Sorry is pretty short this time but it was a slow chapter to write! It's like 11pm and I have a lot to do tomorrow so I kinda just had to get everything out because otherwise I wouldn't have updated this week at all hahahaha. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to add this to hit
Library as well as yell your friends about this book! I javelin a good feeling about this one and I think you guys are going to love it so stay tuned!

Questions of the chapter:
1. How do you think it will all go down with Casey?

2. Are you a. Writer or a reader on wattpad? Or both?

Thanks again guys!


EDIT: I'm going back editing everything so the actual story isn't changing just spelling and Grammar! I don't know if these edits will come up as an update to the story but sorry if it's confusing, I'm just cleaning everything up :)

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